
I think that intelligence has many different facets (something I didn’t originally say) I also think people view intelligence in different ways, they value one form over another. For me I value social intelligence, awareness of self, learning capabilities, and spacial reasoning... that may not be the same for others.

Looking back at this... I think I read your comment wrong, which completely invalidates my intelligence comment doesn’t it ?.... it was 3am where I was. If that counts for anything.

Bruh, you don’t know me or what I do. I’m well aware of my privilege, many of my friends came from single parent households and worked extremely hard to be where they are. There’s a reason you’re in the greys.

Did I say I was smarter ? Or did I say I hadn’t met someone who wasn’t on the same level, I think you may have misread what I said.

Eye roll. I said that they weren’t smarter... not that I was smarter than they were. As in same playing field. As I mentioned intelligence means different things to different people. Mathematics are held to a higher standard to some, science to others , psychological and sociological intelligence to many. It’s

I’m saying I haven’t met a man who is smarter than myself.... in that same respect, I am not saying I am smarter than said man. Being intelligent is a broad statement when it comes to all the ways you can be intelligent. Emotional intelligence may be more important to some people than skills in mathematics or in


All my friends are well educated, as am I.... I didn’t say they weren’t as smart as I am... I said they were not smarter. You have no idea the type of people I surround myself with, don’t make assumptions. You know that saying right?Not to mention I said I haven’t met men that are as smart as my friends... meaning my

I believe this... but I know for myself it was much different... not to sound like a jerk but there aren’t really any men I’ve met that I think are smarter than myself (although if I met Stephen hawking my opinion would Change) ... or my friends for that matter.

This is the opposite of what America was supposed to be

Sitting here with tears streaming down my face.... I will continue to push back against this horrific presidency.

California is a huge part of our blue vote... without them we’d be fucked... although if this happens, can I come ?

Alex, What is none of them have a uterus? Ding ding ding I win jeopardy

Hahaha like multiple at one time. “Can I have three abortions please”

As truly fucked up as it is.... I do too. I have never in my life felt that way about anyone... besides him. If it was a heart attack or stroke or something like that it would make me feel better about it.

I do too... couldn’t even help myself haha

It’s sarcasm... as in everyone low key knows he’s super rapey..... but really it means ... he’s fucking super rapey. High key.

It was sarcasm.... as in he’s really fucking rapey..... I can tell that people couldn’t tell that I really meant he’s a disgusting piece of trash.

You know what I say to that.... women have much more control over this emotions than men... men are VERY impulsive, this is psychologically proven. So next time you see the asshole make sure to tell them that... please haha

It was a figure of speech as in when I say low key I mean it’s super rapey.... I guess since peeps don’t know me and aren’t seeing my facial expression on here they prob can’t tell I was being sarcastic. I mean HIGH KEY everyone HIGH KEY