
Well she was also a woman... let’s remember that. Even if the emails didn’t happen. She’s a woman with more experience, expertise, intelligence, and qualifications... so naturally we would hire the guy with no experience, no intelligence or expertise, and absolutely no qualifications. Who is shady and low key super

There’s a big difference, if you share a photo of me clothed without my consent I’m not going to feel all that violated (depending on the picture).... as for a nude picture of me I would definitely feel sexually violated, the only person who has consent over my nude body is myself (along with my clothed body)... but

Uh sharing nude photos of someone especially without their consent, is absolutely a sexual violation. I’d consider that more of one than when men/ women who pee in public while drunk getting arrested and having to register as a sex offender.

You mean to tell me my puppy is going to get bigger....

The adoption store hhahaha

This is Esther the wonder pig isn’t it... I found her on instagram... she makes me smile daily.

I saw them do that to a black inner city “boy” (16) for murder. Granted this was attempted murder but still...

I’ve followed Gigi on and off for the past few years. She definitely has a super upbeat personality and is undeniably herself. I’m happy they made this documentary and I can’t wait to watch it.

Dude you’re so right I didn’t even think about that! I volunteered to work but didn’t have to, probs why I didn’t even think about it.. ya know us freeloading liberals.

This is fucking gold

Who’s fucking kid is this..... Give him a high five for me please

Trump supporter logic... They are stealing all our jobs! And liberals don’t work!

Did you notice the metro stations were shading trump too yesterday and today. It was hilarious.

They are claiming that trump supporters work more than liberals so that’s why the turnout was so low lmfao.

I thought I didn’t like him though.... Then he has to go do this shit.... Playing with my emotions Andrew, but I like it.

So happy that Charlie was a part of this moment in history. This legendary man got the chance to stand on stage and in front of so many legendary women.

You have a future.

Huntin nhat zees (Brad Pitt from

Aye drinking my sorrows away.... Fuck this guy he’s a piece of shit and always has been

since every fucking major highway has been shut down all day’s inconvenient but whatever. I love what they stand for but hate that it’s getting violent.