Laycock de Normanville

That address — for the Stratford Arms — is also the address for an entity called Fortis Films. The registered agent for Fortis Films is John Chamblee, and the State Bar of Texas has Chamblee listed as in-house counsel for Fortis Films at that address. Who owns Fortis Films, Inc.? S.A. Bullock, presumably the same

If Audi would sell me their LMP1 team like how Honda sold theirs to Brawn, I think we could make a go of it. Or at least have fun trying. Whaddya say, Audi?

It’s likely that under the settlement terms, Nissan paid Panoz a bunch of $$ to license the design of the DeltaWing (if they didn’t buy the IP outright).

Sounds somewhat familiar:

How do I always forget about the “family member called it in instead of original buyer” loophole to allegations of fraud:

a/k/a the right palms weren’t greased with the appropriate amount of ducats in the appropriate time frame.

Stef, I watched all the testimony live. Although the hearing record isn’t available yet, deep into the questioning by the members, I recall that an email was put into the record reflecting that the EPA was invited to testify. In addition, Rep Beyer (D-VA), the ranking member of the subcommittee, noted on the record

Here’s the thing: EPA is expressly removing the competition car exemption. 80 Fed. Reg. is the document containing the proposed rule changes. At 80 Fed. Reg. 40539-40, the EPA states “(h) EPA is proposing in 40 CFR 1037.601(a)(3) to clarify that the Clean Air Act does not allow any person to disable, remove, or render

Interesting article, Stef. Seems like a terrible decision to select a main body color that minimizes visibility to other cars, particularly in a nighttime endurance racing context. Sure, it will have headlights, but race drivers often make decisions with the barest glance in the mirrors, and this one could disappear

“And hey, Matt — I hope you asked all your buddies to chip in. Don’t let them get away with that, either.”