
Trainer: What’s your name?

The article addresses your concern at the very beginning, specifically.

Great article. Also, I worked on Star Wars Bounty Hunter! =)


Looks like the evidence against the dam being destructible is... pretty damning.

Oceanhorn 2: The Reoceanhorning

Oceanhorn 2: Hornier Than Thou


Oceanhorn 2: Skyward Horn

It was already pretty interesting when I played it last year at PAX West but making a demo experience versus making a releasable game that is good from beginning to end is a whole other thing.

My friend Shane Neville gives a great talk called the 50/50 Rule which is about once you have developed a game to the point

Seriously...synchronized swimming is fucking intense. I watched some the other day and was super impressed at the speed and precision with which these ladies perform. You have to strong as hell and agile. Plus, there are stretches where you can’t breathe, despite exerting so much energy to execute moves. All respect

The city of Atlanta hasn’t had a championship parade since 1995. Now that Cleveland won one with the Cavs, we are next. We are the most tortured sports town in America. Yay.

In German markets it could be called “ze Supra”

Unfortunately, I don’t have any additional info other than what I’ve provided in the post. I know those chairs can be incredibly heavy. I will say that we have flown a lot and this is the first time we had a problem with the chair arriving not in ideal condition.

Is it just me, or should the great majority of games nowadays need to have a photo mode?

Now when I’m on the train I don’t have to have the volume on my Vita turned to max to tell people I’m playing a “pervy” game. I’ll just pull out my child-sized panty fiber cloth to clean my screen.

I like to do Crossfit to tear apart my shoulder and TRX to destroy my back. Does anyone have any ideas how to ruin my knees, or should I stick to running on concrete?