
I agree. I want Erdely to be FIRED. As a lefty feminist I am beyond angry at her. She cared more about writing a sensational story and gunning for a Pulitzer than actually doing some good with her story. Because of her reckless disregard for the truth, she has done a lot of damage to many people.

Discrediting legitimate criticisms because there are assholes on the internet is an easy trap to fall into and a dangerous one.

so weird that they didn't give you this information until Friday night right before everyone leaves for the holidays

Welcome to the worlds of journalism and activism.

I just keep thinking about how fucking easy it would've been for Erdley to figure out that there was something wrong with Jackie's story. Even with the university not wanting to talk to her. But instead she went for a splashy story and now rape victims everywhere are left holding the bag.

I love Girls, even though I've aged out of the demographic. I defend Lena Dunham, because I find her smart and funny. But MAN DO I STRONGLY DISLIKE Miss Mamet. I saw her in an interview, and she was so aggressively boring as she kept digging her heels in the fast-hardening cement of her own vapidity [enjoy the

I listened to the song so you don't have to. It's bad.

"In response to an article pointing out how difficult women authors have it in the publishing world and specifically calling out an author's sexism, the commentariat chose to attack her books."

I read My Sister's Keeper not knowing anything about her or what genre she fell into (book club-someone else's choice) and oh my god, I wanted to stab my eyes out. When I got to the end I literally threw the book across the room and yelled "what a fucking cop out". I don't read her books for the same reason that I

Aren't she and Nicholas Sparks the literary equivalent of a Thomas Kincade painting?

I have read several (the only title I can remember is My Sister's Keeper, the rest are just a blur) and I can not recommend a single one. The most telling description is "23 novels in 22 years". They all have a ripped from the headlines, pounded out on a word processor in six weeks, feel to them. They are not

Yeah, that's where I struggle with this a bit. There's not a single big time popular but critically derided author who hasn't said something along these same lines. I have Stephen King's book on how to write a novel and literally every other line is some variation on "And let me tell you another reason why critics are

If you don't like Nicholas Sparks books, you won't like hers, either.

I read "My Sister's Keeper" on vacation one year- it was fine for something I read mostly drunk poolside. But let's not pretend ANY of her books are "literature." She's a mass market paperback writer.

I'm not going to lie- I'm one of those horrible feminists who hates "chick lit."

Jodi Picault's books are pretty much at the same level as Nicholas Sparks'- both write cheesy, airport book-stand novels.

I don't dismiss her books as airport fiction or chick lit, I dismiss them as badly written dreck. Seriously, I have more respect for Stephanie Meyer because at least her books are entertaining. My Sister's Keeper is one of the most offfensive things I have ever touched.

To be fair, I think Nicholas Sparks is pretty widely dismissed as pointless wankery too.

Well this is an awkward time for me...