
You heard the man, GOGGLE IT!

I’d give anything if Christopher Plummer were to become a recurring cast member on “Fuller House.”

There’s a Japanese remake of Unforgiven!!!!?

Now you can relive your childhood, by getting one for Christmas and lamenting it wasn’t the Nintendo that you asked for!

As much as I dislike anti-Vaxxers, they’re still not as bad as fascists. 

There are dark timelines, but I think we’re in a dumb timeline.

I am on Team Red Vines in all situations where I would eat anything resembling these candies. I will occasionally eat a Twizzler, but it feels the same way I did as a kid when I asked for Lego and got Mega Blocks.

It’s not usually classified as “science fiction” though (although I can certainly see the argument for treating it as such).

Panda FTW!!!!

I still remember the first time I ever ate a Twizzler. It was at my class Halloween party in 6th grade. “Well, this couldn’t possibly be ten times worse than Red Vines, which are themselves among the worst candy I’ve had up to this point in my young life,” I thought. My god, was I ever wrong. I have serious questions

What kind of monsters are you working with in the Onion/Takeout office? Red vines are edible but not very good, Twizzlers go out of their way to offend the senses. 

Want to feel old?

It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.

Two of them are being dumped in January? THIS far in advance? Wow, they’re just assuming these things will suck from a great distance.


No no. No habit. Habit.  

Oh god, I didn’t realize that was the actual explanation for it. I had assumed it was magic or a miracle. The late 60s were weird.

I wanted to join, but then I was told you don’t get flying powers from God. You have to be born with them, like Sally Field.

“If every effect is special, none of them are” -Dash Parr

All effects are special. Don't effects shame.