
Dude, (Jefferson) Starship was big in the Star Wars universe. I’ve seen the Holiday Special.

...Followers of obsolete unthinkable trades doodling in Etruscan, addicts of drugs not yet synthesised, investigators of infractions denounced by bland paranoid chess players, officials of unconstituted police states, brokers of exquisite dreams and nostalgias tested on the sensitized cells of junk sickness and

..Now what is Johnny Rotten going to use?

No Willow?!

GREAT CAESAR’S GHOST! I saw that movie, and had no idea that it cost so little! Damn, you’re right, they got their money’s worth... and really kinda shames a lot of other movies that cost a lot more, and don’t look half as good.

Let’s be honest; Wiseau was going to announce that he was going to run for president in 2020. Sure, you have to be born in the United States to run for president, but can you prove he wasn’t? Where was he born, then? Eh?

Yeah, but does it reveal how they turned Venus into the Chicken Lady?

TJ Miller? What, that cop show with William Shatner?

I read the eerie classic The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, and the Legend of Hell House, Richard Matheson’s meaner, nastier, similarly-titled book (which I read somewhere was intended as a conscious response to Jackson’s novel, although now I’m having difficulty finding a source on that). I enjoyed both,

The anatomy’s not great, but I actually rather like the basic composition, the use of shadow, and the color scheme. I wouldn’t call the poster terrible, just a poor execution of a good idea. Honestly, there are a lot of worse posters out there.

Ooh... Pretty much off the top of my head (and one of my first thoughts was also Where the Sidewalk Ends).


I just saw K-Bran give all the scenery a moustache ride.

It does if you’re (secretly?) Leonardo DiCaprio.

I used to have a computer with a graphics card which was almost, but not quite, up to the challenge of Midtown Madness 2. The result, which I termed “the Hunter S. Thompson Driving Simulator” (I was a teenager, okay?) was a surreal mess. Just driving around San Francisco as the waters of the Bay turned into the sky,

Star Trek: TNG did a (sort of) variation on this premise in “Cause and Effect,” because of course they did.

Are you asking for recommendations of more anthologies?

I suppose the column could always become an annual feature.

1.) In the Fantastic Forest, behind the Denny’s.