Lawyers, Guns and Money

That’s what you get for acting like a spoiled brat.

Isn’t it funny that liberals acted like Deen was some sort of porn savior?

I guarantee he knows what he did was wrong. But, the porn industry operates in a grey area. It would be impossible to convict him with all of the circumstances.

I guess I could watch their movies? Is that supportive enough?

Well, I hope your kid doesn’t grow up in France.

Then someone should rape James Deen. Was that so hard to say?

I was being sarcastic. You are not too good at playing SJW.

Right, let’s just bash him on social media. Lesson learned.

Yes, I can’t believe this asshole did those things to women. What a terrible human being.

No idea what you are talking about? Please clarify.

That’s what I said. Terrible what he did. How could you defend someone like that?

Her racial comedy offends me.

How else would he know that what he did was not ok?

How can it be rape when they are already having consensual sex? I’m talking about pushing the boundaries, not stopping when the safe word was given, treating a woman like a piece of meat, rough sex etc.

I wish someone would do to him what he did to those women.

I’m sure David Foster has to pay her alimony. He had to give a boat load to Brodie Jenner’s mom.