
Sooooo many ignored variables that would compromise the WaPo columnists' conclusion...


hahahahaha. Favorite drunk Mr. Omaha (obv sarcastic) comment: "you came from my rib, woman, don't you forget it!"

My dad was raised in a large extended (Irish heritage) Catholic family and my mom converted to marry him. I was baptized Catholic.

Yep. [Unscientific hypothesis disclaimer] I bet you see those laws used on a more frequent basis in areas with a lot of religious fundamentalists.

How dare you slander Omaha's good name! We have mind reading cats here too.

It does seem we've had a lot of very thinly veiled MRA tourists lately. Maybe it's time to start cataloging them so we can collectively ignore. I've noticed tacoted, ragepanda, lollercoaster, sostanky, veresz, trilith, roboposter, tyura...

Depending on state law, you have to be 16 to get married without parental consent. The age differs, but it is possible to marry younger.

And a woman whose violent partner has a gun in the house is what...4x more likely to be murdered by her partner? I think that's the stat.

"Why ban guns? Criminals are just going to break the law." Yeah, fuck it! Why even have laws? Criminals are just going to break them. What's the point?!

I've been seeing a lot of "but it's tradition!" as a defense against changing the mascot today.

It's relevant because womens' experiences in public spaces are substantially different from men's. If you're going to try to argue otherwise, don't. I'm not interested.

OK, congratufuckinglations but just because you, a dude, will take that risk, does not mean that is the best decision for women you're lecturing on the internet/whose street harassment dialogue you're derailing with irrelevant ass false equivalences. Pretty sure we can and will make our own judgment calls as the

bye felicia

Although "business casual" is its own whole can of worms. The recent brouhaha when a federal judge from my state posted about how slutty us young lady lawyers are on his blog, and ensuing conversation on the legal blogs, is a prime example. What constitutes appropriate courtroom wear for women attorneys is subjective

He acted like he was just a Nice New Guy trying to set our hearts a-flutter with baseline acceptable behavior, but his word choices and fixations make it completely obvious that he popped over on the Shithead Express from the Manosphere.

You should google the Dunning-Kruger effect and ponder it for awhile.

Trilith did not received the cookies he anticipated and felt he so richly deserved for nobly meeting minimal standards of social interaction. "BUT I AM ONE OF THE NICE GUYS!" he spluttered as he formulated his response, which had just the perfect ratio of CAPS LOCK to lowercase.

Royals: In some ways they are just as trashy as some of the people in my home state. :)