

Put Smooth Yoda in Star Wars games, you cowards!

I know right? I had nothing to do with any of this but I still feel proud of her. 

Is there anyway you can screen cap your game library? There’s no point for us to recommend anything you don’t already own if you have a large backlog. 

The original Assassin’s Creed. I really liked the setting, and I liked Altair. 

I, for one, am looking forward to Respawn’s cancelled game!

Sooner than two games that had already been worked on for years?

Well, yeah, everybody knew that.


I’ve always been fond of the Tudor’s style arch. Most arches are a full semicircle, the Tudor’s style has an arc length and circle radius that are inversely proportional so it ends up being wide and shallow.

And knocking out walls! Holy fuck the amount of walls and doors in some houses. Like, you never want be able to see further than 10 feet.

Architecture is great. You are absolutely 100% correct in that it has an affect on you. Not only do I think that people underestimate the effect that the environment has on them, they also forget that architecture is part of our environment.

I think I had mentioned this to Kirk on Twitter, but Metroidvania style games should henceforth be referred to as “Hollow-likes”.


Those of you saying he should have been fired; stop being foolish. He is an EXECUTIVE. Can you even imagine the precedent that could be set by firing him? When would it stop? What happens when there are no more executives extracting value from us unwashed masses?

Oh, Obsidian...

This looks delightful. Also that should be a new playable race in NMS pleeeease.

Is there anything worse than teeth? Nope. There isn’t.