
It's like judo. You use your opponent's dick against him.

Does anyone else find it suspicious that Thomas Dolby and Alton Brown are never seen together?

Jack's ultimate cheeseburger left a message: you can't touch this. And I have a bottle of siracha if I want hot.

Prediction: it's Iowa hot. As in, not.

Adam Nimoy needs money?

The internet teaches me that Rush is very polarizing. It is often Rush fans who do the heavy lifting in turning people off and not the band itself. Really, they're Canadian. So polite. I wonder what the dudebro considered the demarcation between Old/Good and New/Crap. 2112? Roll the Bones? Also, I really doubt you

I see your Wheaton. And I raise you a Manu Intiraymi.

You don't go to the right church.

Thundercats. Mum Ra remembers when Third Earth was First Earth.

You and Joe Walsh.

I'd buy that for a dollar.

Watch Rudolph again and imagine that Hermey and Rudolph are respectively gay and black. In 1964 America. It explains a great many things.

Liked this show. It was cancelled too soon. One of my favorite episodes was directed by Voyager's Roxanne Dawson and features a repair dock in space that steals crew members in exchange for fixing your ship. The whole Xindi thing was obviously conceived as a "let's do a 9/11 story arc". It turned out better than that

The original Zaphod Beeblebrox looked like a two headed Howard Stern.

My wife and I drop dialogue from this, and Spaceballs, and Fifth Element, and Star Wars, etc into our conversation so often, a really diehard Dallas Cowboys fan would probably not understand us. And we're teaching our daughter to do it.


Is this supposed to be a remake of the 1981 Belushi/Ackroyd film?

Wow. I quit halfway through Teh Sum of All Fears, and I read the previous entries a few times. I missed that Ryan was that young, and it just doesn't fit with everything else about the character. I know Chris Pine only from Star Trek, and I am choosing to be charitable about a James T Kirk who looks and acts like a

I haven't read Clancy for some time, but Chris Pine is too young for the role, as were Baldwin and Aflack (sic). Ryan is an academic and a Marty Stu for Tom Clancy, who was a middle aged insurance agent when he wrote Red October.