Lawrence Redmacher

PSA for steam deck buyers: it’s cheaper to buy the 64GB one and swap out a bigger SSD yourself than buying the other options. the 64GB model and a 1TB drive for $100 would still be $60 less than the 512GB model by itself

I use those sites that let you customize a PC then they build it for you. usually ends up being only a couple hundred more expensive and for me it’s worth it just to save the time it would take to do it myself, and there’s no hassle about having to keep separate warranty information from all the individual parts,

I started with this game during the pandemic, it actually got me out on a bicycle for the first time. I would go about 4 miles in my route and there were 12 gyms to stop at along the way. I never had a chance to run out of pokeballs because my bag was constantly full. the only thing I ever actually spent money on was

thanks to my 9 year old I found out that “butt” isn’t banned but naming your mario maker 2 level that will get you suspended from the game for a few days

I have issues with this list but the biggest one is XII being ranked way too high. listed as 3rd best when IMO it should be closer to bottom 3. It’s a single-player MMO, complete with boring auto-attack battles and storyline that you play almost no part in. they had to add a fast forward button to the game to make it

they did.

you must be doing some grinding because I just started act V and I’m only level 38

I’m level 36 in normal mode so far. I’ve only died 3 times, all 3 because of lag spikes. Yeah I’m not going to be trying hardcore any time soon

no more making 30fps games for those old systems, on to making 30fps games for the new systems!

I was referring to the article:

r/gaming is back up, I guess “indefinite” isn’t very long

right ear: constant high pitched squeal that isn’t noticeable unless I’m sitting in silence

Shang Tsung is only available via pre-order

guess not much has changed in 10 years

pretty sure those are skin-colored leggings

Now playing

he’s just some youtuber that used the hard R all over the place

you have to get most of them from selling stuff. the only enemy I’ve seen actually drop rupees so far are yiga clan

well people that don’t steal stuff probably don’t get them

if this is real it will be terrible to play, with all the tilting of the camera (which is what makes it look like camera footage and not a game in the first place)

candy crush is also 90% luck but that number goes down in direct relation to how much money you spend in it