programming AI also takes “hundreds of hours and years of experience”
programming AI also takes “hundreds of hours and years of experience”
that explains the guy I killed this morning. I was wondering how in the world he had over a million dollars in his bag in only 11 minutes of game time
oh wow, from 8.8 all the way to... 8.4. that’s some review bombing alright.
I went to a big college lan party in 2002. I was playing a MUD between rounds of the warcraft 3 tournament and someone looked at my screen and asked the person next to them “is he hacking?” 😂
there’s no way to become a billionaire without being a shitty individual
all good except the kiriko one. first because this nerf nobody asked for is just coming out of nowhere. she hasn’t been problematic in any match I’ve played. second because in the current “nobody wants to play support” meta, nerfing a support doesn’t make much sense
I’m in no way against SBMM but in MW2019 it was a little strong. It seemed to take the skill of only your last few matches into account instead of averaging your whole match history. I did an experiment where I played 3 matches without using sprint or aiming down sights. the 4th match I was put into a game with the…
it’s implied later that they’re saving that one for the next game
well now those fire skins will set you back $20 each
I like how halfway through, the game quizzes you on the story so far to make sure you’re actually paying attention
DQ XI was my first one and I can’t say I recommend it. Before the credits it felt like babby’s first JRPG, super easy, super linear, and the story was boring as hell. After the credits it becomes a super hard grind that I didn’t even finish because at 100 hrs I had enough already
I main moira and this has only happened once to me so far. I had like 2k dmg/4k healing (our other healer had like 400 dmg 4.5k heal)then our tank said “moira please start healing” so I did the only logical thing: switch to mercy and only use my pistol
“If they aren’t going to do that then at the very least let console players plug a M&K into their consoles and just matchmake via input device. (Other games do this just fine),”
doens’t affect me, I don’t have any currency to spend on skins!
fyi: they will be using this same thing for call of duty: modern warfare 2 also.
I’ve seen people claiming there’s some service that will give you a new phone number for $1 that works for blizzard’s stuff, meaning that instead of cheaters needing to buy a new copy of the game when they get banned they’ll just have to pay $1 instead
yeah it’s really strange how I can play 1500 hours on a minecraft server with my switch and have very few issues but suddenly with splatoon 3 I have network problems constantly
you could just pay $40 for the Watchpoint Pack to gain instant access to the premium track, which immediately unlocks the new heroes that are gated behind progression. That, critics warn, could make Overwatch 2 feel like a pay-to-win game compared to the first entry
in the past I’ve stayed away from 3rd party controllers because of quality but now I don’t see how they could be any worse quality than the ones nintendo has been putting out. I’ve owned 4 pairs of joycons and they’ve all developed drift. might give these a try
no, it is dumb. it’s a terrible way to play any game where quick reactions are required, so basically anything not turn-based. the input lag is terrible. and for anyone saying “the lag isn’t noticeable,” you’re just wrong and bad at noticing lag.