
Did they or did they not let him return to practice despite the EOAA’s decision to ban him until 2020? They did. They were under no obligation to do so while he appealed. Now it turns out he was also under investigation for a third time? Yet they still allowed him to play in games while under investigation for sexual

I’m saying greater transparency and oversight would be far better at dealing with Trump than hiding behind the fiction that we could ever hope to remove a wealthy person’s real or perceived COI’s.

I don’t like this law as it stands, even if I don’t like Trump either.

That is a good point. I think total and complete transparency is a much better way of enforcing the emoluments clause than forced divestiture. Both you, and any family members with a stake in the company. Demanding Trump’s tax returns, as well as his companies is a far more effective way to police it .

I’ve got a tattoo on my arm inspired by Drake. It says “THIRSTY”

I’m saying that owning a company isn’t in and of itself a conflict of interest, and that it is in fact harmful to think so. It obscures the real COI’s that are occurring every day at almost every level of government.

Have you actually read to Constitution? Nowhere does it say the President must sell off his assets before taking office. So no amendment is needed.

But to think you could ever hope to remove COI’s in this day and age is foolish. If Bloomberg sold his company to his daughter, it would cost a fortune and hurt the company, but can anyone honestly say the COIs were eliminated? Should he have to sell it forever? Yeah he’s old now, but what if he’s in his 50's? (Which

Rules change with the times quite often. Things evolve. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

I understand why they felt they had to, but I don’t think it’s right. I’m not necessarily desiring business tycoons to be President anyways, but it seems to me to be an unfair burden to be put upon them to do what is a four year gig. I do think they should have to put their holdings into a blind trust, Bloomberg did,

That may apply to his enrollment yes, but Universities can and do make exceptions when threats to student safety are involved. But Coyle, and Pitino despite his shameful ducking of responsibility here, are using this due process claim solely to justify keeping him playing. And at least two more women were sexually

Honest question, and not defending Trump in any way, but how realistic is enforcing this law in this day and age? Obviously using the office to enrich yourself is one thing, which Trump and definitely Kushner may be doing.

Those procedures include providing due process for everybody involved

It’s so much easier to start to live with someone knowing you have an occasional out. Even if you only use it a few times a month, just knowing you have the option available eases the pressure during the growing pains of a relationship. And no matter how compatible you two may be, there will be growing pains.

The Jez article about Lena Dunham not getting her ring.

I’ve seen it far too often. A more successful woman than her husband. He both lives off of her success, yet also resents it and treats her like shit. It’s weird how they take it too. Don’t they know that there are plenty of unsuccessful men out there, like me, who would gladly live off of her wealth and success and

Just say no dude. Get high on life, not DRUGS.

This reminds me of the conversation yesterday regarding a woman who left her life in limbo waiting to be proposed to by her bf and her frustration that he didn’t. She didn’t feel it was her place, or it wasn’t romantic to pressure him.

I know. Such an interesting guy and he can ball too. I wish he were a Knick, except that would turn him angry, bitter, and cynical. So maybe it’s worked out for the best.

I hope he submitted to the concussion protocol, that was a perfect example of a fencing response if I ever saw one.