Lawnmower Dan

Thank you. Same here. I am a fan of hers, but almost every single thing she said on that entire tour was punctuated by her own laughter and it was insufferable. It was even turned into a character trait for Regina Krimp, how you know the song is over when she starts laughing because she could never get through more

"I'm dying from having too much AIDS, mommy"

Really liked Tangerine. And the description of the new one, down to the newcomer leading actress, reminds of American Honey, which I loved, so really excited about The Florida Project.

Yeah they're far and away my favorite band and I've never considered that basic. It kinda seems basic to hate them.

Seems like people are just brushing over it but it was very scary how the Jokeman kept inserting himself into the videos and wreaking havoc, such as when Bonnie Bargain Hunt was trying to explain what she got or when Maxed-out Credit Kurt found that purple suit at the dump or when Anthony Michael Haul got that

Those hosts are a couple of dickfaces, who fuck each other in the face.

When I glanced at the headline I saw 'Keri' instead of 'Ken' and was really confused until I clicked on the story. That's about all I got.

I finally watched Lucy on HBOGo a few months ago on a Saturday morning, just like "Yeah I'll watch ScarJo kick some dude's asses for a couple hours." Man that thing is fucking bonkers.

A drum only sound one way. Just… fa-kud. But even slapping your foot into your hand or smashing the microphones into the table repeatedly can be music! And isn't that fucking *awesome*?!?!

Oh sweetie I'm sorry this is so embarrassing for you but the best one is actually for We Are Your Friends.

I got my Memphis Maniax shirt off ebay like two years ago and still wear it all the time.

Or being so close to it when it was shitting and jerking off at the same time. Luckily by that point the Wendigabrus was mainly shooting dust instead of an epic fucking load that could've engulfed everything for miles.

"I've been shooting it a lot…"

I don't even want to make it sound like I don't like Ben, cause I do. But just for me, they need a Horatio or someone there as a buffer, or it just gets to be too much. Loathe was maybe too strong a word, but they would be way down on my personal Best-Ofs.

This'll reek of HH fanboy-ism, which in fairness is probably exactly what it is, but I was really hoping #436 Rich Mind Vein with Sean, Chris Tallman, and Eliza Skinner could sneak it's way in, at least at the back. I think Tallman's Nolte might've turned people off, but I absolutely loved it. Plus Sean & Scott

Yeah, I love her, but she is pretty bad about that, particularly in the live setting. She could hardly utter a single sentence on the tour without laughing at it. It even became a crutch for Regina Crimp. Since she couldn't get through more than two lines of a song without bursting into laughter, they just made it a

But apparently his seared pork chops with farro and cranberry chutney is to die for.

RIP Castle. Robey Maguire was my favorite. So glad 2016 can't get us anymore.

He's doing iiiiiiit!