
These blankets are the perfect encapsulation of Jeff Flake, because they talk tough, but fold whenever given the opportunity.

What in the world makes you think Pelosi is afraid to do some actual work?

She is a hero. And she was treated horribly by the Senate GOP who cared more about a “win” than whether they  were confirming a liar and sexual assaulter to the Supreme court.

It was infuriating. If you don’t believe her, or don’t find it convenient to believe her, just say it. This “I think she was assaulted, but she doesn’t remember who did it” is bizarre and awful.

Put her in the history books along with Anita Hill who faced a bunch of senators who questioned her character, along with public humiliation, in the name of doing what was right. You ladies deserve better.

I feel this way about all missionaries. People talk about them, and they talk about themselves, as if they are divine angels rather than the destroyers of indigenous cultures. Sorry you were too stupid take heed, buddy, but you truly got what was coming to you. Also, Oral Roberts U. is just about the most fucked up

Except this law was created by India to protect this tribe from extinction. Not for the purpose of keeping outsiders from immigrating based on some silly notion that they’re all rapists. 

That’s a slander on those with actual mental illness. This is a selfish, arrogant life choice based on his own idiotic religious views. Saying it’s akin to mental illness absolves him of any kind of responsibility for his wildly stupid choices. If he wouldn’t have had such a hard-on to convert the unconvertable, and

Mostly I agree with this, but have some concerns regarding diseases transported by him that the population could succumb to. I think they should get him out of there.

The mom is definitely a religious nut, too. Against all evidence, she said she believes he could still be alive because she prays.

The answer to the problem of recovering his body is simply that they don’t get to do that. Any effort to recover this man’s body will further disturb these people and put them at risk. This man broke the law, and selfishly and stupidly attempted to force his religion on people who do not want it. Sometimes committing

I should add, I don’t think anyone should be trying to retrieve his body.  His family needs to live with the fact that their son died being incredibly stupid, and that putting others in danger (including the very residents of the island) to retrieve the body is selfish.

Fuck this guy and fuck anyone that wants to retrieve his body. I’ve been fortunate to work with a variety of indigenous communities (in strictly non-religious contexts, and sometimes in direct opposition to the local religious nutjobs) and don’t feel a shred of sympathy for anyone that supported this selfish,

Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:

There would be a lot of middle schoolers with criminal records if we arrested everyone who got into food fights. She didn’t throw the milk bottle. It wasn’t hot or caustic. What real danger did she pose to the victim? Law enforcement have discretion in how they handle cases, and charging a woman for throwing milk

Yes and no. Yes, equal enforcement of the law. No, no one should be arrested or spend a night in jail for splashing some fucking milk on someone.  Fucking mail her a citation for disorderly conduct and be done with it. 

Instead of how to reject a date, they should have classes on how to handle rejection in a healthy manner.

So... he hates that this country is more and more living up to its stated ideals. He hates America for becoming...too American?

Still not sure why he wasn’t given some jail time or convicted of something by wiping evidence off a server when law enforcement demand that he turn it over.