
 That they actually, personally hate him.

Fearing Democrats would find a way around this Catch 22 of consequences and come out on top, [Paul] Ryan has scrapped it.”

only because of me

Oh, I’m sure you were very polite to the money, Don...

Isn’t there something in place that’d prevent this? The emolu-something, something? Ah, I guess Jimmy Carter had to sell his peanut farm, that’d be worth tens of millions today, just for shits and giggles.

All I know is if somebody does another damn adaption of “Jane Eyre” before somebody does an adaption of “Villette” I’m going to be pissed. “Villette” is Charlotte Bronte’s best novel and there was like one 5 part TV series of it in 1970 and that’s it. And you can’t even track it down to watch.

Well, here’s where we separate treason the common use English word, from treason the legal fact enshrined in the Constitution. Trump is certainly treasonous in the general sense that he has betrayed his country for personal gain. Whether Trump is guilty of treason per se is more complicated.

Unfortunately, Trump is far more valuable to Putin alive as he is doing such a splendid job of alienating the entire world.

Too Fem too Furious?

That motherfucker is a traitor. America has done some fucked up shit over the years, but you either live here and are loyal to the general idea of the country and it’s institutions or you are not. He is clearly not a loyal American. It just amazes me that his dotards think the border is so important (without a border

The upcoming sequels seem unnecessary as well:

And we are supposed to believe she just died?  Has anyone seen Rascall Deux?

Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible

This is so fucking horrible. Also, its a sign of how degraded these times are when my first thought when I saw we were going back to using ankle monitors was positive. Admittedly its better than locking families up in cages indefinitely (or even requiring them to post bail) but its still insane that we are treating

My heart breaks for these kids and for their mothers and their fathers who have to deal with this.

I would always say, ‘Hey, watch your language, there’s a lady here,’”

My mom tried to do the right things when I was raped (for the third time - it’s super complicated) at age eight or nine in the 1980's. I remember answering the very nice police detective’s questions. I remember all the horrified reactions from him (wincing) and Mama (shocked gasps and crying). I remember telling them

My wife was abused as a child by a family member babysitting her when she was around five. Her parents knew and ignored it and hoped she was young enough to forget and it wouldn’t impact her. They even let that family member babysit again. And he abused her again.

Both of my parents raised me to believe a child, even if it seems unlikely. So when a young family member said something concerning about my dad, we listened and we took action. The investigation seemed endless, and I was tied up in knots because I just couldn’t believe my dad would ever do anything like that. He was

I’m actually most worried about the kid in the future - “He was Jenny’s favorite person, period.” At some point she will learn that her “favorite person” took his own life as a result of something involving her, even though it’s clearly (to us) not her fault. That’s gonna be tough all around.