
Yeah..I guess he decided at some point that we’re all doing that.

Sooooo...Trump is planning on engaging the US in an arms race, apparently?

It’s an amazing performance. All of her songs were so emotionally powerful. I just love her.

Indoor plumbing is something I hardly think about, but which realistically I would miss the most if it were gone. I’m a total city girl and lack of indoor plumbing is high on the list of things that would kill me.

Actual repeoductive slavery is worse than Trump as President forever...but I really had to think about it. So much other bad shit comes with Trump. I was picturing some nightmare dictator for life situation.

I hated that there were so many minutes devoted to drama this season that they would only runway clips. I like see the entire runway walk! That is why I am watching! Give me amazing outfits!

I love Dela usually but her whole self-elimination thing was so weird. I didn’t like the way she made it into how she was just too moral or too kind to eliminate people. Really? It’s a game. Those are the rules of the competition. It’s not even like All Stars 2 where they didn’t know they were going to have to play

That was really entertaining.

My husband fell through regulatory cracks in Pennsylvania that allowed him to drop out of school at 15. His parents church schooled him (it was like a Duggar-style work on your own homeschool curriculum but held in the basement of a church) in NJ. They moved to PA and found a church with the same curriculum that would

I know I’m outing myself as a total nerd here, but wasn’t that the plot of a Star Trek original series episode?

My cat loves me. He follows me around the house. He’s not super affectionate, but whatever room I am in, he is in, too. He also LOVES it when my husband is travelling and we can cuddle more freely at night. When my husband is here he sleeps down a time our feet. When my husband is gone he curls up right next to my

Jackson wouldn’t say he was being territorial. Jackson would say he wants to feel involved in the Pilates instructor’s work and to share in her space. He would also say that if you give a cat a “no” you also have to give him a “yes” at the same time. So since Ruby can’t scratch up and sleep on the big bench, he gets

Sorry, so that the cat WOULD be in the same room. Autocorrect. The cat would then sit on it and watch her work.

Jackson had the Pilates instructor get the cat a custom-made miniature Pilates bench to sit on while she worked so that the cat wouldn’t be in the same room and she could keep working. They got along pretty well after that.

I came here for this and I was not disappointed.

I saw it as a teen maybe the year before Columbine, and I loved it. It didn’t bother me around that time. I think it was weirdly relevant when there was one big school shooting and we didn’t know what the next twenty years would become.

I saw it and I came very close to leaving about 3/4 of the way through. There was a fair-sized crowd in the theater with me, and it was in a mainstream theater, not an art house or anything. This was before people really started talking about how terrible it really was, though.

Yeah, the fights seemed like normal mother daughter fights if the mother is emotionally abusive and inappropriately takes her problems out on her daughter.

Some of their fights were normal mother/daughter fights, like in the thrift store. Sometimes her mother was just fucking MEAN, though. Who the fuck doesn’t talk to their daughter for months because she applied to a college that you specifically did not want her to apply to? Who won’t say they like their daughter? Like

They represent gun manufacturers. That’s where their money really comes from. They push fear because fear sells guns. Their stance sadly makes complete sense in that light.