there has been nothing at all reported that refutes anything I said, try again
there has been nothing at all reported that refutes anything I said, try again
that is not how the statute works or intends to work
what is a lie? These are business people who meet people from all over the world. Kushner and Manafort both disclosed the meeting. Don Jr. probably just forgot about it or did not remember it. Ari Fliesher today stated the questionaire they sign asks "name ever foreign person you have met in the last five years" …
The act you cite is against foreign donations. It is not information.
what difference does that make? You are moving the goalposts on your own argument. First, it was just "interference", now it has to be some foreigner? Clinton campaign and her foundation accepted millions of dollars from Russia, therefore, she is guilty of collusion. She accepted information from many foreigners. …
Refuted by the article. She was a private person, not a representative of any government, and there is no rule individuals can't meet or give dirt. NBC interfered in a US campaign by releasing access hollywood tapes. All you have is a person, who happens to be russian, met with them. Big deal
Lawyer was not a russian agent and was a private citizen. Every campaign meets people who claim to have dirt, its a nothingburger
you are defeated in every way possible
It was a joke and most rational people know it. Comey was sitting on the info and his "reason" not to release it was nonsensical, there is no law that requires that, and was inexplicable. Comey intentionally caused the investigation by illegally leaking to the press. Again, nice try
Harry Crane found a home at Netflix playing lousy exes ("Love" and now :"Glow")
1. it was phished, not hacked
2. Trump was kidding and being ironic to make a point and all reasonable people know it.
3. We do not know that..did he admit it? No
4. No they did not, Roger Stone said he did, and he was never part of the campaign nor ever told Trump about it.
5. Maybe, admitted.
6. He was fired..did…
I liked this film, but the biggest detraction was it being forced into the MCU. At this point, I am really just tired of it. Plus, there is some Spiderman fatigue going on. This film shouldn't be burdened by the last three stinkers..but this character is just not fresh anymore and it is. Its like Affleck's… sure don't. You guys laughed at Romney saying Russia was a threat just 5 years ago when your hero Obama made fun of him, now its McCarthy time!
you sound unhinged
there is no proof of any of that
No there isn't. Flynn was an agent of Belgium, not Russia. Sessions met two times with a russian ambassador where he forgot, it was public and plenty of others were there. It was purely innocent and no one claims he did anything wrong. There is no "multiple issues"
yes, if everything possible bad thing people want to assume is true, then it is bad. Problem is, there is no evidence of ANYTHING bad at all and you guys are just assuming
you are the liars and we are calling you out. Just accept defeat and live your life