
I had the same question, but after more thinking, it is basically a plot strategy that the writers will use to bring Dany and Jon together. To make Jon more appealing to Dany. Dany has to remind everyone of her magic and her titles to support her claim. Jon on the other hand has magic and titles of his own that he

I have a theory regarding the peculiar scenes about Jon being stabbed, killed and revived and the strange secret its become. The writers planted a seed here, first during their intros with Davos's story, of "Jon taking a knife to the heart, gave his li[fe]…" and then quickly shutting up after Jon gave him a look, and

Okay, I see that, and agree that is a fair answer, but HOW is this still a secret? Probably about 100 people were present when he came back to life.

Any theories on why Jon and Davos held back from mentioning that Jon died and was brought back by Mel? The way the scene played, and Davos almost said Jon "gave his life" then Jon gave him a look and quickly stopped talking, and then Dany mentioning it later and Tyrion brushing it off as a metaphor, it was clear we

Bran is a cold mo fo for sacrificing Hodor like that. I mean, Bran essentially murdered him.

I agree. But if we're judging priestesses who can glamour they should be really hot, not just pretty damn hot. I give Mel an 8.5 and Kinvara a 7.

Was anyone else expecting Bran to look at one of the Wights as he was passing through the horde and see Benjen?

I thought she was not as hot as Mel, but hope she uses her same manipulative techniques so we can better determine this

IDK if it makes sense to get bogged down in the details to such depths, but I'm confused on the time warp warging. Did Bran warg past-Hodor in that scene? Or did past-Hodor somehow hear present-Meera yelling to present-Bran?

Random question… What is the consensus understanding of the GoT/ASOIAF map and geography north of the wall. The map just cuts off. Is there any book lore about what is north of the map cut off?

Ehhh, blaming that on Bran for climbing the Tower seems harsh when someone literally pushed him off

And now that I think of it… even if Bran causes the wall to lose its force field power, it should only apply to the handful of the White Walkers, and not the wights, right? Or maybe not?

D) It's kinda 3ER's fault though. Like lesson 1 of weirwood hacking should be never let the NK touch you and don't fall for his "I can't see you" tricks. Like that's a pretty important lesson to skip

A) Seems likely. And more budget and story line friendly than having to introduce a magic horn and CGI the collaps of the wall.

So, Bran got touched by the NK and then they immediately show up at the Weirwood lair, but we are supposed to believe than Meera dragging Bran just past visible range into the snow storm is going to be enough for them to get free?

Children of the Forest… Are we supposed to infer that there are a bunch more of them? Did the last of their kind just die?

Children of the Forest created and empower the White Walkers to fight men. Then White Walkers turned on them and kill them.

I don't really get this complaint? The story just jumps to the next meaningful development. Time passes between scenes, sometimes it's a brief moment, other times its weeks, months or years.

You kinda sound gay, with that level of thought about the muscular (but not overly muscular) fit male body. It's cool man, just be you.

I thought the Night's King was supposed to be the 13th Lord Commander of the Watch. Was I wrong to infer that children created the being that turned into the Nights King? For some reason, that scene with the Children girl shoving the dragon glass into that human and creating the white walker made me think that was