
Preach! This perfectly states how I felt about this. I was robbed of an ending to the story about these amazing, intriguing characters, in favor of a self-indulgent wank. And I feel bad about feeling that way, given how personal this obviously was to Mr. Segel.

I hated it.

I kind of feel like saying, "Way to go, Jason! That was really out there. Now, don't ever do it again."

This was an extremely disappointing finale. This is a show that made me cry from some of the simple, beautiful moments. I was so emotionally invested in this show, in unraveling the mystery. I gave in to the immersive experience here. I felt somewhat betrayed by the meta ending. I didn’t feel this grand, sweeping

I hated this finale so goddamn much. Like, no snark, I’m genuinely happy that Segel had a great, personally fulfilling experience making this show. But that realization didn’t have to come at the expense of the show itself. I was invested in these characters, especially the (almost never seen on TV) romance story

I feel that Jason was lucky to get AMC to fund his therapy.

I don’t know if that was self-indulgent wank or a really beautiful, heartfelt ending to a really beautiful, heartfelt series. honestly, probably a bit of both. I also still don’t understand the Lee/Clara reveal at all, to be honest, but that might have been me misreading the previous episode?