
It would be a good idea to read beyond Engber’s melodrama-infused account of the case. The science of facilitated communication has been downplayed in it so that he can suggest there might be something to FC. A better reporter would not be “interviewing” people via FC. He might as well be using mediums to interview

I think you make an excellent point in regards to inability to communicate not necessarily equaling inability to think. It’s entirely possible that this man is completely able to think, but cannot communicate. However, his inability to communicate is well documented. He has not communicated with anyone aside from his

My sister has met these people, including DJ, and she objected (to me) about the infantilization of DJ, as well as other handicapped people. Which leads me to a different point of view.

You’re absolutely right, and I am also in favour of legal sex work (it is legal where I live). I recently read an article about a special sex service for people in care homes. These people (mostly women) often have a background in nursing and they assist handicapped people with their sexual needs - whether it’s having

That she still believes herself in the right is a tragic example of how much we can delude ourselves.

This is my impression, too. I think she found a warm body that couldn’t communicate, and projected her fantasy man onto that person. There was nothing that would get in the way of her fantasy because he couldn’t communicate disagreement. If she wanted him to love red wine, he loved red wine. If she wanted him to hate

It is very difficult, as many do have sexual urges... but unfortunately for those urges, consent needs to be clear. With the risk of traumatizing someone who can’t truly express their distress over being violated, it’s better to err on the side of caution, I’m afraid.

For people who are disabled but who are able to

Nothing about this case is right or okay. In particular, I have a queasy stomach about 40 years for 2 instances of sex where consent was questionable. Additionally, we must acknowledge that the standard method by which we measure intelligence/capacity is seriously flawed. We don’t know for certain that DJ is, in fact,

“I’ve been trying to seduce Anna for years, and she resisted me valiantly.”

One thing I thought of while reading this. Is if he really has the iq of a toddler I would expect he’s illiterate, which would make it seem odd he can express himself with a facilitator even if FC itself wasn’t questionable.

yes yes a thousand times yes, she should go to jail, on behalf of my disabled niece and her classmates. She probably needs psychiatric help, and I hope she gets it, but mostly needs to stay the hell away from vulnerable people.

She deserves to be punished just as any other rapist or sex offender. She took advantage of someone who’s literally incapable of going to the bathroom on his own. Let alone being capable of verbally consenting to what she did. Much like a victim can’t give consent if she’s unconscious, this man can’t give consent if

I read the article a couple weeks ago and was so creeped out because it sounds like she projected her ideal fantasy partner onto this non-verbal, mentally/developmentally limited man and honestly believes they’re in love with each other and it’s all reciprocal. There is something deeply wrong with her and she doesn’t

No, because he can only seem to communicate if his facilitator is around, and his facilitator is her. And therein lies the problem. It doesn't seem like anyone else can replicate helping him communicate, despite his family trying. So the question is- is he not communicating at all, and the facilitator is just a

I think the headline question was answered in the body of the text.

that’s what i’m wondering. the fact that she's the only one that can get him to spell out what he needs to say sounds very fishy.

He “refuses” to participate in FC unless his rapist is holding his hands. I mean come the fuck on.

He mostly communicates through screams and chirps, corresponding to unhappy and happy states

Why is the headline a question? She had sex with someone who was incapable of consent, has the mentality of a toddler, and who had no capacity to resist. Who gives a single fuck if she’s the “mother of two”? She’s a rapist.

So he typed out his consent while she possibly helped guide his hands? Obviously there’s a problem there, but if he consented can’t a different FC help him express that?