

I prefer some of my teas made in the cup without removing the leaves. Very good for light flowery white blends.

I for one thank you at giz for keeping up the TSA articles.

300$ And I wouldn't hesitate.

This is like their version of cats on fire then?

@Imagism: Well living in Finland I can tell you that things are going in the wrong direction here. We have a policechief who actively is puching for more power and means. For example speeding cameras, which have been around for a long time, but as the police have noticed that drivers slow down in front of the cameras

Is the next legal battle between apple and canonical then. The launchpad-site quite clearly states that "Launchpad" is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd.

@Spartanical: They also developed and own a large amount of the mobile technology...

Here in Finland I do. Sort of. Consumer laws protects my rights to resell, reverse engineer, improve code and decompile any software I buy. Heck, I can even distribute my modifications to family and friends.

@DustyButt: What kind of movie do you think will be shoot?

@Lucian Armasu: In some ways I agree. When it comes to novels I don't care to much for a physical copy. But for other books it is good to be able to have several books open and have your desk filled up with information from different sources.

@Joe Stoner: Yes, that's just what regular joe demands from his desktop PC. As my grandfather asked me when I was about to install linux on his PC, - Does it run Final Cut?

@Tyrunn: I didn't mean to say that anyone should switch or make any radical changes to lifestyle. Just wanted to point to a good and relatively safe way to torrent. And having a dedicated box for media is also good since IF anything bad would happen your important files won't get affected.

@Denver: And your FB-"friends" spammed.

@Tyrunn: For torrenting / media only? I've got it. Automatic downloads 'n stuff. Awesome.

@Ben R: Not true. You can multitouch with resistive screens. Google it.

@tproku: Lifhacker Åland edition FTRW!

One thing about all these articles covering Apples products confuses me. Shouldn't names have initial capital letters? I'm not a native english speaker, I'm swedish. Over here all newspapers call them Ipads and Iphones etc. Isn't that the correct way to write?

@WoodsideParkBob: Alt+F10 is the standard shortcut in gnome. Think it works in UNR too.