Cool, you think you’ll get a pin for kissing her ass like that?
Cool, you think you’ll get a pin for kissing her ass like that?
I don’t really take percentages at face value from people hiding their identity on the internet. Also voted on what when and where? also are you human ‘cause how could any human be dumb enough to think what you wrote was a point, or even a fact?
I do help my local community, and I’m active in tons of stuff. Also like shitting on awful political leaders, I can do both!
Hey dumb dumb I never said anything about Berrnie, wow are you insane? I just said Hillary sucks and is a Republican, or would be if the Republican party hadn’t turned into something designed not to govern. You’re so butt hurt and crazy I sort of doubt you’re reading anything I write at this point. This is probably…
She’s moderate as hell, you just can’t see it cause she’s a lady and that confuses you guys.
They don’t have identical voting records, dumb people like you frighten the hell out of me.
You don’t have google fool? Do you’re own research lazy ass!
No, it’s really happening right now!
A think a dead cat could beat Trump. Also Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump have been friends for years. She’s voluntarily hung out with, taken money from and legitimized him as a political figure by associating with him.
No, I think I’ll still be like, damn is sucks that Hilary Clinton thinks killing people with drones is a good idea. And, man it sucks that Hilary has huge financial ties to corrupt banks she won’t talk about. It sucks that she’s so bad at playing politics her entire presidency is going to be bombing poor people and…
She’s a fiscally conservative war hawk with money ties to wall street that she’s embarrassed to talk about. She’s culturally way behind the curve on things like gay rights. She’s also an adult working in the intelligence community who doesn’t seem to understand basic computer science. She’s a republican, or she would…
She is in terms of her War policy and her financial policy. I guess people want a lady president so bad they’re willing to settle for a Republican one if she just says I’m a Democrat and isn’t so far into Grover Norquist territory. A vote for Hilary is a vote to kill people with drones.
It’ll be sad when Berrnies gone and Hilary people have to actually defend her, not in a “she’s better than Trump” way, but in a she’s an insane war hawk who’s in wall streets pocket. Say fuck Berrnie all you want, but a vote for Hillary is a vote for drone strikes and murder.
Can I blame the democratic party for running someone who America has rejected a few times now, and who’s politics seem to be pretty much moderate Republican?
LA face doesn’t mean pretty, it means made up, are you not from California?
No it’s not. It’s not even cultural appropriation, she’s saying exactly what the song says I have a pretty face a big butt. The dichotomy was never black vs white it’s Hollywood LA skinny lady high maintenance culture vs curves. It’s smells vaguely racist, but isn’t.
She’s a famous singer, duh. Boody saw her at the State Carnival like 4 years back. Said the music was good and they gave out coupons for bogo on soft serve.
I prefer to celebrate it’s anti-French aspects. Remember the reason for the season.
I bet she’d be cool with it, I’d be surprised if they didn’t know each other.
There’s a word for that, apoplectic!