
You don’t really vote with you wallet for the academy awards, but you got tricked into thinking this is a real problem. This is just an issue a lot of celebrities are talking about. Real problems are things like war and disease. This is an Art problem.

The rumor is she forced him to sign up.

Hallucinations are a common side effect of narcotics.

It’d make for a good yelp review “food was great the first time, but upon second digesting I noticed a distinct taste of feces”

I think they were hoping a rich person would buy it and then do listening parties of it for charity.

Not blood, just DNA and the lady testing it contaminated the bullet. Also no wound to match it too :(

There wasn’t sweat in the hood latch. There was DNA which I think could have come from a lot of places.

All left handeds are sinister.

Not blood on the bullet, just DNA.

It was transfer DNA, no DNA is sweat. They also had him in custody for a while without allowing him to see his lawyer. It’s also not hard to transfer something like that.

for your number 2 there’s no testimony of that, just hearsay. For your number one you can’t get DNA from sweat. You can from skin cells and they’re transferable. With all the crap lab work and contaminated samples in the case I kind of don’t think the hood DNA is great evidence.

Not the last hour or so....including that part where he calls his mom and say’s they got in his head, or when he asked if he could go back to school soon.

The eighth subsequent search found a bullet with DNA. Not blood which is a little weird. Actually none of her blood was found in the garage. The bullet was also contaminated during testing which makes me doubt it’s authenticity.

Dude showed up to Kanye’s wedding dressed in Batman’s arctic assault costume. When that happened, I was like, hey this kids alright.

Kind of ironic that in trying to prove this one family was garbage the police exposed that the entire county government was basically trash.

Laugh all you want old man, you’re just too old to even get it!

Probably would help. People love the NBA. I’m a moron and you don’t get that American love basket ball. I’d retort, but when the kid with learning problems and snot all over his face calls you dumb, the polite thing to do is not insult him back. I’m sure you’re doing your best!

Kotaku is for games, Sports are games, you’re dumb.

Not really. He’s kind of the hub of the Ultimate universe, so most of his stories involve a lot of other characters or universal events. He just doesn’t have a lot of his own stories or villains to work with yet. The character probably still needs a few years to really build that up.