glad somebody else remembers that - feared I was imagining the whole thing
glad somebody else remembers that - feared I was imagining the whole thing
I heard a radio show about this some time ago - fellow in England with bad asthma mail-ordered the worms online and had remarkable success suppressing his symptoms.
I think that there fella's been up in space a spell to long...
The Rare Book Library at Yale has this low light "Data Core" design that I think is very cool. Not to mention the whole building looks like it floats on a couple of big stone piers.
how about with an organic snickers bar?
huh? Proof of life on Mars, finally.
they look a little big pebbles/rocks to blow with dust?
It already has rocks on top of it? Did the skycrane blow these up when it was setting the rover down?
the opening seance room looked like the therepists office from the King's Speech.
I did not see a spot marked on the oblique shot?
Or they thought if they ran up house prices and created a financial crash that we'd just destroy ourselves and take care of it for them.
The experiences are not distinct if the original ends, and the copy begins, and neither experiences the death.
In the oblique view there is a dark object near the edge of what looks like a crater (although more like circular smooth spot like a crater filled with sand). Is that the rover?
Just think, all those parts will be saved undisturbed in a National (?) Park some day.
Sure it proves that the new is distinct from the old. I'm happy to concede because it just does not matter. The old sick body, the reason why you are doing it in the first place, ends along with the consciousness inside it. The copy wakes in the new body, with an experience of continuity.
What you are stating is ridiculous. If you are asleep when you die, then you don't experience it. Period. And if the transfer/copy happens before that - which it has to - then the copy does not have that experience either.
What you are stating is ridiculous. If you are asleep when you die, then you don't experience it. Period. And if the transfer/copy happens before that - which it has to - then the copy does not have that experience either.
That was fun!
That was fun!
dbl post