
Your link will appear to be Fake Link unless you provide something more specific to look at. This URL leads only to an intro page to FBI publications, data links, etc.

BULLSHIT. He was not “desperate.” He was an entitled male ENRAGED that his former girlfriend didn’t want to date him anymore.

1. My mama.

“it was a back tooth, Hank.”

It’s the very same people who say ‘why didn’t he just comply’ that are the first to say the ‘cops feared for their lives.’

He was an armed police officer who did exactly what he was trained to do. He was not a teacher, a student, a janitor, or a member of a posse’. His actions don’t dilute the “gun control narrative” because we think cops should have guns and be properly trained to use them. However, we don’t think teachers should have

“In my opinion, kids watch video games where they shoot each other and hit the reset button and they come back to life. It’s not like that in the real world,”

I guess the piece I’m missing is how the hell an ethics professor misses the red lights on this situation. Even setting aside the questions surrounding facilitated communication - it generally tells you what you want to hear and varies based on the facilitator - consent among people with developmental disabilities is

Happy to oblige. Forgot to mention: my Pop-Pop dubbed her Bessie, and she is my beautiful perfect girl.

Alright, buckle up for a Shakespearean epic that I promise will be worth your while.

Fast food job are not glorious or fulfilling, true. However if someone is dragging their ass in to a job every day, they deserve a modicum of respect. Can we stop shitting on working folks because the job they’re working sucks? (Like as a society, not Yesha.)

Meanwhile, our groveling Putin’s bitch of a prez refuses to stand tall with Great Britain and present a united front to the Russians. Does this latest act of cowardice from Orange Dumbass mean the circumstantial evidence is even stronger that the Russians have something on Trump keeping him on a leash? Absolutely.

You drive a Cherokee.

See, this story bugged me out, too. I had no one to get bugged out with but I should have known Panama was already on the case. I don’t feel any better about the aliens currently growing in John Kelly’s new man womb but at least I don’t feel like a weirdo.

They were struggling financially: 

Robert Mueller is looking at this shit and giggling to himself. He knows what’s up.

You can’t address the cultural problems in the military when an entire country indiscriminately hero-worships them just for signing up.

Are you between the ages of 18 and 35?

My blessed grandmother had a word for that “Paregoric” as in a tool to calm childrens or to relieve pains of teething. Not sure if this is available any longer OR if it’s even legal today; however, I do recall her lovingly rubbing said liquid on my gums when I was “just-a-bit” younger.