
@shwonline: Hmmm, in works in Europe though. I guess American fruit flies are little messed up.

@Samo: Apple Juice works, too. As long its fruity...

Fruit flies hate Basil!

@Joe Stoner: Just be a gentleman , ok? She likes Merlot...

August 12th is my Mama's birthday! I'll bring her too...

@minibeardeath: No offense: Love it how you mess up inches with feet and bring in the metric system on top. Where are you from? Made my day... for now!

That's how my divorce-cake is gonna look like... minus the bitch, aaaheeeehm, bride!

Nice handjob!

@Trevsbe: Touche! Well played, Sir!

"(A nanometer, as most of you know, is one billionth of a meter. ...)"

It is just an operating system. Relax.

If you $100000 spend right now,

@Kung-Fu Kurtis Carnivale of Carnage: I saw a lot of loons (well, a couple per lake) up north in Wisconsin: Eagle River, to be precise. So 28 lakes = 56 loons. Ok, I saw maybe 18.

I had to giggle... Thanks for making my Thursday morning!

@ddhboy: iPad is not an e-book reader! An iPad is used for masturbation...