
Some people just don't know in what they are blowing...



I remember my parents using bee wax. Smells better, too!

I immigrated to the States 4 years ago -with no credit history.

I am using LN2 to cool down my Pepsi to the Max!

@trevisol: It's not just google, it is T-Mobile!

Well, with a FAN-Account for AT&T you might end up cheaper than T-Mobile. Do they have those FAN-Discounts, too?

@Rob: Well, it depends! A Firmware-Update and the unused USB-Slot could be utilized to see Megan Fox in 3D...! Et voila: a drooling Giggity from my neck of the woods!

Is this a new receiver on this pic?

WTF is he doing in Berlin, Germany?!