
ummm... and the story continues with surveillance cameras identifying the man and the police arresting him on assault and battery charges??? RIGHT?!?!?! Sheesh. I hate open ended stories like this.

The problem isn't your choice of keyboard... it's your choice of phone. :)

I use a DiNovo Edge (got it before the Mac edition came out) every. single. day. with a MacBook Pro with NO issues... and NO dongle. In fact... this is the third MacBook Pro I've used it with without one single connection issue. I can even use it preboot if I've held the option key to choose where to boot. Couple taps

for what it's worth... I'm not proud of my carrier... i've had LOTS of dreams about blowing them up!

Did someone forget to include... like... a regular (albiet well cooked) turkey?

You know something... I'm GLAD they are Windows phone lovers... it would genuinely make me sad to see these fools trying to promote ANYTHING I like.

Ditto everything above and below. (Except anything defending this stupid commercial)

orrrrrrr... you go to an AT&T Store and get a free microSIM card.

Maybe they were worried about people complaining that they didn't want a touchscreen nano. A friend of mine has a nano that falls under this program and she was hoping the replacement would NOT be a new one. It's probably safest for Apple to replace like for like...

huh... is RIM still operating? I thought they were dead.

Add to that the marketing, software, administrative, and IT costs and Amazon better have deep pockets cause this thing isn't going to dethrone the iPad anytime soon. I personally wouldn't be investing in Amazon stock long term.

well it wouldn't murder the iPhone line if the screen was larger if the screen RESOLUTION didn't change. Let's face it... the DPI of the screen won't drop that much if the screen is a half inch larger... things will be a bit more legible however.

WOW! I have never had Apple fix something so quickly. As soon as I posted this I was notified of the iOS 5.0.1 update and now I can type words that begin with the letter O

well ok... it turned ON. But does it work? Hardly. Try starting a word with "O." My iPhone won't. It forces an "I." So..... I can't type "OK," or any other word that begins with "O?" Well... I'm not sure I can make that change to my life. Call me inflexible. Call me bullheaded... Call me OBNOXIOUS... unless your

Wasn't it really just a matter of time before he was gonna say something he regretted? And is it really any surprise that he ran and hid behind his "pr team?" Did ANYONE really think he was man enough to stand on his own two feet in any sort of controversy?

well I have to say it's nice to see a nice piece of hardware come out of Motorola. Well done?

Hey... how does the Samsung work with iPhones... can it at least activate Siri?

You know... I'm a little surprised as Giz... this video was as anti climatic as it possibly could be.

You are absolutely right. The people making the argument the iOS can be fragmented are arguing just to argue. Anyone who has used Android much knows EXACTLY what you are talking about. Look at failing companies like Motorola... I know they are in the midst of selling their hardware division to google, but the bottom

it really does... I already had the salt shaker pulled out.