
Marvel movies are made for kids. Aquaman is as well but the majority of the DCEU has been made for adults and are objectively Masterpieces in filmmaling and storytelling. Batman V Superman and Man of Steel are phenomenal. 

You are a retarded piece of fecal matter.

You are a fucking moron.

Deadpool did nothing right. Deadpool needs to be a silent villainous assassin.

You are a moron.

You are a lying sack of fecal matter.

You are a lying sack of fucking filth. You shouldprobably end your own life.

You fucking idiots. This is only the third time we have EVER seen the death of the Wayne’s! Lying fucking sacks of canine fecal matter.

You are a liar.

Marvel changes everything about their characters you stupid fucking piece of shit!

That is absolutely ridiculous. Batman V Superman has absolutely no flaws by any technical standard or critical measure. Furthermore it is a film. Marvel makes movies. The best Marvel has to offer is a movie for Young Adults. And by the way, DC has the Dark Knight Trilogy. Nothing that Marvel will ever do will come

Jesus christ you stupid mother fucker. How many fucking bricks is your head made out off? You need to fucking kill yourself. You do not understand anything in this world and simply want to spread your diseased thoughts and fuckimg retard logic. Seriously just fucking shoot yourself in the head.

If you thought the ending sucked, you should probably just end your own life.

Someone is keeping a “score” for entertainment?! Go fuck yourselves.

You are a goddamn retarded piece of fecal matter.

You really are a fucking retarded piece of scum.

You are a godamn fuck-tard.

You are a complete fucking moron.

Please have perspective. Snyder is not Scorcese, that doesn’t mean he is a bad director.

No one has said that. The tone will not change. Adding humor, however uneccesary that is because humor is a low form of art, does not change tone.