
Dear god, what do you get for a 46k apartment? Does a magic carpet pick you up at your door, carry you to your bed of clouds, where a specially trained corgi prepares a plate of cheese and a glass of wine from you unlimited wine bar, and then the dude from Tonga rubs you feet?

I’m annoyed that they picked Gabby over Ashton Locklear. Barring injury to Simone, Aly, and Laurie, Gabby isn’t going to touch anything other than bars in Rio, but Ashton is consistently better than Gabby on bars. Gabby’s reputation and not her gymnastics is what got her on the team this time around. :-(

Perhaps she did batter him? Perhaps you can try to comprehend that could have been involved?

Yeah, a friend of mine got banned here last year for commenting on a double standard in a couple of Halloween costume articles. It sort of soured her on the site and she hasn’t been back. It’s kind of hard to have the open and lively debate some GM authors were calling for when people get banned for being critical.

And the level of immaturity going on in the Gawker posts by their own writers is beyond idiotic. It’s embarrassing. They’re humiliating themselves and making themselves look like utter fools at this point. But hey, this is nothing new; my second banning here was for something I said on Gawker that a writer here didn’t

Dude, I almost die every day on the road to work, because of SOBER people texting I am not even exaggerating, I live in California and the highways here are fucking death traps. During the day, 95% of everyone is sober. The accidents are from mobile phone users.

And an individual cop shot Brown, but where are the people saying what you're saying to stick up for the officers that don't shoot people?


Nobody can do side eye like the Queen Mum. I'm talking about Catelyn Stark of course. How has nobody paid tribute to her yet?

Nah, many folks I've known to enjoy those parties aren't too far above the poverty line. They're aimed at mocking Southerners.

She HATES us. It is so weird and apparent in every comment she writes. There have been a few Jez authors with tough relationships with the commenters but no one else hates us quite like Jia (dare I say, not even Jolie Kerr).

Yeah, but a bitch is also free to side eye the way a bitch approaches a topic too. Free speech cuts erry which way.

"slow clap for Kara, as well as the human right to approach a topic however a bitch shall please"

I am a "liberal white folk" and I do not think this way. I am actually very appalled by this article and am hoping that it is satire. (Which it probably isn't)

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Is this how liberal white folks think? Gotta catch em all like races are Pokemon?

So if a 6'5", 300lb man vader-chokes a small, elderly, Asian shopkeeper and is loose on the streets, are you allowed to tell people he's black, or should they just guess?