Marvin the Martian not being at least in the top five is a crime against humanity, and I demand a swift and savage retribution against those responsible.
Marvin the Martian not being at least in the top five is a crime against humanity, and I demand a swift and savage retribution against those responsible.
As an Eagles fan, I can tell you I don’t know what we’d do without the Cowboys around to be villains, in all things. God, I love to hate them. It is so, so perfect that Jerrah snuggles right into Trump’s ample moobs with this faux patriotism horseshit. I hope he grinds his dentures every time he sees or hears a bird.
We Eagles fans legit don’t know what we’d do if the Cowboys weren’t there to be villains in all things. Hating them is soul-nourishing. It’s only right that Jerrah snuggles up to all the faux patriotic Trump horseshit.
Pirro, a crazy bitch with Obsessive Clinton Disorder, should go back to Chappaqua woods and stay there looking for Hillary. Forever.
He doesn’t have to play someone he owns.
Something just occurred to me. I have dealt with narcissists in my life and the one absolute constant with those assholes is that you CAN’T play them like a fiddle. They are unplayable. Every single time you think you have outgunned or outmaneuvered them, they will just go sideways and leave you baffled and confused.
Seems Putin is a gifted musician...cause he just played Trump , his base and the GOP like a fiddle in that conference.
The investigation started with the FBI, before Mueller was appointed. And if he’s dismissed, they get it back to.
I mean, yeah, he’s a fucking scumbag, but at least he’s an honest scumbag.
Back when Blillo had the idiot Waters? out ambushing people on the street, I used to fantasize about having that imbecile come up and start asking me questions. I would be polite at first, but then I would start answering every question with: Andrea Mackris? Andrea Mackris. Andrea Mackris.
Fox at the Hen house? That always goes well.
If I played Andy one on one, I would win every time.
And yet, you took precious time away from the revolution to come admonish me for doing my job. Okay.
I’m willing to risk it to meet whoever yelled “Hey it’s that guy who’s going to jail!” at Michael Cohen.
These assholes want to see witch hunts?
Why won’t Congress and the President investigate the rumor that I just started that Stephen Miller is eating some of these babies? That, since college, he has frequently enjoyed the taste of Latino baby flesh? #lockhimup #buthiscannibalism #theyhavefakenewsihavefakenews
I’m not crazy about it but your post is way out of scale to the actual attrocities going on. This isnt “disagreeing” with a persons view on which movie is best. This individual and this administration that are committing crimes against humanity. Getting crank calls is the best these assholes should hope for.... they…
Eat shit, racist.