Caitlyn is the type of woman who spent 60 years as a rich, famous, white man, so that’s how she acts. It’s just extra not cute now because we expect women make better choices and behave better than she does.
Caitlyn is the type of woman who spent 60 years as a rich, famous, white man, so that’s how she acts. It’s just extra not cute now because we expect women make better choices and behave better than she does.
Please get rid of the hat.
This is interesting. I’ve been waiting 6 mos. to see someone say something like this. Just didn’t expect it to be Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ):
I side eye anyone who “detoxes” with vegetables. That’s what your liver and chelation therapy are for!
I think in the case of The Mooch his absence is probably preferable
No! You’re not. Are they hair models?
Am I out of touch for not knowing who these very attractive folks are?
Jesus, that voice! He’s like eunuch. He’s killing my hate-fuck fantasies. The treason isn’t helping either.
For 25 years, the knuckle draggers have whined about the “Clinton Crime Family” and dreamt up insane conspiracy theories about land deals and murder/suicide pacts and blow jobs, and then they go and worship the dirtiest candidate they can find who installs his corrupt, criminal children in the White House just before…
As much as I dislike McCain, I’m sorry to hear about that. Cancer sucks. And from what I’ve read, this is the sort of cancer with a pretty low survival rate.
ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen
Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.
Gang, let’s play “Spot the Nazi”.
*raises hand* I...I need a smaller house. I’m getting ready to downsize my life, though, and the 3000 sf ranch I live in is something I don’t see myself cleaning the rest of my life, especially since it will be just my dogs and I, with visits from my kid when he’s back from college. I have a formal living and dining…
Want to be environmentally conscious and not buy a McMansion and also have a normal amount of living space?