This picture kindof cracks me up. She is SO intent that people take her seriously. Look at her giving the ‘knife hand’, wearing a tweed patterned jacket, eyeglasses which say ‘take me seriously’’s all such bullshit.
This picture kindof cracks me up. She is SO intent that people take her seriously. Look at her giving the ‘knife hand’, wearing a tweed patterned jacket, eyeglasses which say ‘take me seriously’’s all such bullshit.
I used to throw up all the time to try and keep my weight down for the military. No one in the world would have guessed I used to do that considering I was a size 8. I don’t think I’d go so far as to say I was bullemic (although I guess I could be in a state of denial about it). I did it simply to conform to set…
I have a home like the one you want and the only thing I really hate is how my kitchen is near the dining room, but the living room (hence where the TV and all things fun are located) are completely out of sight. If I’m in my kitchen, I may as well not exist if there are other people in the living room.
I hear you. I live in 1200 sq ft. It’s just me and my two cats, and it’s literally more house than I need. I would like better storage, but for just me, or a couple, it’s perfect.
My home is from the 1950's and I found out that the couple raised three kids in this house. I realize people lived differently then than…
Ivanka has cloaked herself in this bullshit story about wanting to ‘empower’ women. She’s just as big a con man as her daddy only she’s been able to come across more palatable. However, she gives me Stepford Wife / Rebecca Demorney portrayl in ‘The Hand that Rocks the Cradle’ vibes for too long.
I’m a Realtor in North Carolina. From what I’ve been able to see, the tiny home trend (as in living in 200 sq ft type of thing) hasn’t caught on. However, there are a lot of single women looking to purchase small (as in modestly sized, not Crackerjack boxes with composting toilets) homes. My home is 1200 sq ft and I…
He really does look like a turtle
And most of us (meaning all) with a security clearance would have lost our clearances immediately if we pulled this shit.
This was so interesting - and perplexing. It almost sounds like this was an arranged marriage. I wonder why she agreed to marriage in the first place if she was so against it to begin with and clearly stated she had no intention of being faithful (I know, I’m probably going to get a lot of people telling me not to…
I don’t understand this tacky theme she’s going with (unless it’s intentional and some kind of kitsch joke).
I came here literally to say the same thing.
I could support this if the intent of going to the mens activist meeting would be to stand on top of the desk and yell “YOU’RE ALL FUCKING PATHETIC BROFLAKES!”
I hate seeing these kind of women because it puts me into a fit of rage that someone can be that bitchy and horrible and yet here I sit with my two cats and Halo Top ice cream on the couch.
Idris is starring in the Gunslinger movies this summer (which I cannot wait for). It’s definitely an action role and he definitely handles it well judging by the previews.
I think there are plenty of reasonable NRA members. Unfortunately, they are commanded by a psychotic nutjob who feels that the slightest common sense regarding gun rules and regulations = tyranny (or at least that’s how he sells it). Wayne Lapierre relies on hyperbole, paranoia and a less than healthy suspicion of the…
Not taking sides, just asking a legal question:
I heard somewhere that he was technically on private property (as the beach was public, but the part he was on was considered private). Does that matter legally? I realize the optics are bad and he probably couldn’t care less, but when it comes to a legal challenge, I’m…
I feel like she’s having an identity crisis or some other sort of breakdown. She just comes across as really desperate for self acceptance lately
I call it the dystopian shift dress. It’s so bland, shapeless, seemingly void of thought and deflects from anything even remotely sexual.
Fuck those jurors that let Cosby roam free.
I hope they fry this fucker. This is so horrific and tragic. Some people don’t deserve to live and this asshole is one of them