My power animal is a gummy bear

He’s settled out of court with other people who’ve claimed the same thing in the past. There are roughly 50-60 women who’ve claimed he did the same thing to them, however, the statute of limitations prevents them from pressing charges because it happened so long ago.

Yeah, that bullshit about him being blind and needing someone to help him walk is ridiculous. Yes, he has glaucoma but that is easily treatable. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s waiting for the trial to be over to get it removed.

That’s exactly how I felt when I read this. I mean, how can you NOT want to put your head on this mans shoulder?

Ugh, why can’t he be everyone’s grandfather?

God I hope so. It’s the only way people will shut up about it

Agreed. She’s reminding me of when Miley was trying too hard to be outrageous for the sake of it and it all came off as desperate and fake.

There’s no way on Gods green earth Sinn Fein will ever bow to the monarchy. It would basically give legitimacy to the very thing they’ve always been against.

Well, I wish they’d spout off all the great and wonderful things Trump is doing, because as of now, all we have is withdrawal from an widely-acclaimed accord and a SC Justice who probably thinks birth control is a sin.

The man who complains to Sean Hannity (who went after Hillary constantly for Benghazi) to complain about a lack of civility calls the DNC ‘not even people’ and obstructionists.

I am a weirdo and enjoy watching Youtube videos of chiropractors cracking peoples backs. I have to crack mine all the time and it’s so relaxing hearing those cracks because I KNOW that person feels better as a result. his friends call him War?

I find this to be very morbid and unsettling. I understand a families desire to grieve, but I don’t think a piece of paper will do much to console a grieving family. I also can’t help but think this was done with the intent of ushering in a more militant anti-choice movement.

I’m sure this is all FAKE NEWS. Move along...nothing to see here (sarcastic eye roll).

I wish women would see this instead as a way to reinvent themselves rather than think they are to blame for the actions of a pedo-narcissist like this guy.

I get it, I know we are supposed to say we aren’t supposed to judge this woman and why or why not she leaves...but honestly the thing about staying for the kid is infuriating. I can’t help but feel like keeping a kid around a person like this is WORSE for the kid than it is better. And as far as staying in order to

This is a topic that seems like it could go down many different paths. Yes, everyone agrees diversity is good...but the overwhelming amount of directors in Hollywood are white male which makes me wonder why. Are more men interested in directing than women? Do more men go to school for directing than women? If so, why?

1. I honestly don’t think it ever occurred to him that there could be any illegality in this. I think he is simply incredibly naive and oblivious.

The thing is, he really thinks he’s hot shit with this stupid handshake. I seriously hope another head of state openly chooses not to shake hands with him until he learns how to do so properly.

On one hand, I think this is an adorable story and then I get sad for the poor bear for having this tub on his head and likely getting teased by all the other bears...but then I remember that bears are AWFUL animals who are not only pests but dangerous ones at that.

Wait...people were shaming Gal for her body?