My power animal is a gummy bear

Whatever spells need to be cast, medical technology advanced or bodyguards need to be emplaced, we cannot let this woman die. EVER

I will say...the age of Trump certainly has opened MY eyes to the amount of people in this country who are so driven by conspiracy theories. Apparently, there is far more tinfoil being sold to people who like to fashion it into hats than I previously thought.

After seeing this article and re-reading it, I can’t help but think Ivanka truly looks at other people and calls them ‘the little people’ or ‘the poors’ in her head and while she and her husband are jetting off on their private jet to make deals with corrupt foreign dictators.

Oh, I’m in complete agreement with you. I knew you weren’t insinuating anything from a violence perspective...I was just reiterating it for my point and for the masses.

YES. She’s calculating and void of emotion, all the while attempting to come across as someone who has THE MOST emotion and is SO relatable.

McMaster & Mattis don’t “look around wildly”. They’re both really judicious guys who (I think) took their jobs knowing someone had to be the grownups at the table. They’re really they only decent things about this administration.

I agree. Kendall (or Kris) should have heard the pitch for this and stepped aside. What a fucking horrible idea for a commercial.

True. They haven’t had to develop true coping skills to much involving’s very easy to be homeschooled and avoid the kind of pressures that force you to develop coping mechanisms. When everyone kisses your ass your entire life, you’re untrained to know how to deal with life when it doesn’t go your way.

Sweet fancy Moses, this woman is stunning. I compete in bodybuilding myself and she looks like she could give a lot of us a run for our money. Those arms! <3

I agree with you, however, I honestly don’t think Romney is a racist. I think he’s far too oblivious about far too many things. His ignorance (in my opinion) comes from his Ivory Tower-itis. He’s the kind of guy who has no idea what a banana costs at the supermarket and doesn’t know how the laundry gets done...he just

I agree. If you have to resort to violence, it just tells me you’re not creative enough to think of far worse things to do to this woman.

Yeah, meanwhile, the FLOTUS is living the high life in Trump tower thanks to the taxpayer AND her shitbag husband has spent a more time in Maralago than in the WH.

Never doubt Trumpers to validate and support anything this fucking family does, even if it flies in the face of legality, morality or ethical behavior

She’s vile, Bannon’s a monster, Spicer is an enabler, and Trump is a Hydra. There’s no way to spin this any differently that that. To do so is to simply lie and enable those who are destroying our country

What, like this fucking waiter is suddenly asking for ‘papers please’...what exactly did he think he was going to do if they weren’t? Call ze Germans? Round them up like cattle and ship them off to Joe Arpiao?

I also remembered that his real name is Timothy Dick.

If you constantly have to explain and validate and play the victim by saying you’re not allowed to have a ‘certain opinion in this town’, it’s probably because deep down you know it’s a shitty thing and you’re a shitty person.

No, I don’t think they can be rehabilitated; they only get craftier at hiding their secret. They know society deems it wrong so they stay silent and exist in the shadows.

WTF, are you serious?! That sounds like a whole new level of sick and demented on Pence’s part. That’s a whole new level of evil to make someone go through that.