My power animal is a gummy bear

I wonder if this will actually hold up in court? I’m not saying I’m for it or against it, I’m merely wondering if the judge will be shot down. We all know what is going on...Trump is trying to legally step and loophole his way through something that will ban Muslims, I get that, but the wording and the intent are what

What do you expect when we elected a sexual predator to be their Commander?

So now I finally get it....drain the swamp and replace it with a lake of piranhas. 

I get her anger and all, however, her attitude plays perfectly into the conservative agenda to label anyone who disagrees with the current administration as somehow ‘the enemy’.

One day we are going to watch this man have an actual stroke or aneurysm on live television

that’s a lot of moobage on a guy.


Would you really expect someone else? This man is the Taco Bell of Presidents. Yes, technically ‘food’ but nothing people who actually care about their health will consume.

I hope his flamboyantly gay son finds a nice young black immigrant to settle down with one day.


This is all such bullshit. It’s incredibly easy to prove whether or not a judge issued a FISA warrant for such behavior, and clearly the President didn’t (nor does it have to come from the President). Trump is doing what Trump does best, dodging and fucking with the media whenever things get too accusatory for him and

As much as it sounds like I’d be shooting myself in the dick, I think this is a good thing. We elected (debatable) this monster, so now we have to reap what we have sewn. We need nice people like Canadians to dust us with maple candy, politeness and generally pleasant demeanor, but we sure as hell don’t deserve it.

*can lob

It’s just so ridiculous how this administration and lob wild and disgusting comments and accusations, and yet Conway is so fucking defense ALL. THE. TIME.

Maybe it’s a silent cry for help?

That’s literally the only truthful thing to come from him since he was given that position.

I loved this article. The whole entire experience sounds like a place I’d want to wear a silk pantsuit ensemble in and scarf down cheesecake.

I am in complete agreement to this statement. Why church up something so perfect in it’s simplicity and deliciousness?

They could, but they’d be wrong. Especially when and if the abortion happens in order to preserve the life of the mother.

And I get that, I really do. I just wish they’d look and take into account that education and quality of life is a holistic thing. Kentucky could certainly do with more exposure to a multi-racial and widened perspective of life.