thank you for using the term ‘anti choice’ instead of pro life. Anti choice is more reflective of the actual stance.
thank you for using the term ‘anti choice’ instead of pro life. Anti choice is more reflective of the actual stance.
Let’s all go on the assumption that whatever Trump says is a lie.
I realize that taking a bus 45 min to school is a pain in the ass, but for him to say that the funds could be ‘better spent’ is kindof shitty. Like seriously? Improving the lives of the less fortunate is not a priority?!
I agree. I also think stepping away from the Presidential role and reflecting has given him a lot of time to see that he was out of line and off base with some of his view (or portrayed views). I highly doubt he seeks the advice of Dick Chaney and Karl Rove these days; understanding that they were the true forces of…
In the name of everything that is holy....STOP WITH THE PUCKERED ASSHOLE LIPS ON THAT DESPOT.
I know she’s trying to portray herself as a nice person, but I’m still only getting a void of a soul where good hair extensions and glittering baubles now lie.
Mother will not be pleased
Its almost funny that the dimwits on Fox actually thought they could ask a trained and seasoned attorney a question like that and expect anything other than an evasive and beige answer from an Attorney General.
Man, she can do a vacant expression like no ones business. She looks like a mannequin.
I would love it if she were permanently shunned from every news network.
For the past week I’ve been in excruciating pain because of a back spasm that wouldn’t go away. I did it by simply sitting in my chair....doing nothing other than sitting there like stump.
Ha! No, we were in Afghanistan. Definitely not drinking out there. :)
Well of course he’s getting a second chance; he’s accused of abusing women. It’s not like he did anything *terrible* like complain about a movie he starred in.
Watching those people fall on the ground like that makes me squirm. I can just imagine a knee popping out of place or someone getting a concussion.
I’m hardly the expert on rap....honestly I don’t even like most of it. I’m a white lady in her mid-30's from Cali...but I ADORE Tupac era of rap and you could’ve found me at age 16 driving my car with my CD player in my passenger seat listening to “All Eyez on Me” on any given day.
Don’t you hate it when you get into a heated argument, walk off and have the perfect response 20 minutes later? By then it’s too late.
But what can she say to come back at Remy, really? Remy owns her past and is proud of it. If all Nicki has to show for herself is record sales, Remy sortof threw it out there that she got those sales on her back, not on her talent.
I get why the commenter said that, but she’s a model; its literally her job to portray something / someone else’s vision on a daily basis. She’s also grown up in American culture her entire life, so she’s going to be influenced by a myriad of cultures.
Interestingly, the word alcohol is derived from an Arabic word (at least according to my friend from Deerborn)
She is just the epitome of an old, ignorant, affluent white lady of privilege. She’s like Mrs Howell if she ever made it back to the mainland.