My power animal is a gummy bear

Ya know....Bush was a lot of things, but one thing he wasn’t was an asshole. Sure, he trusted his inner circle of Palpatine and Judas too much, but he never had the level of insecurity and adversarial hatred toward the media and everyone who criticized him that Trump has.

The level of insecurity this entire administration has is on par with having a micro penis. Unbelievable.

They shouldn’t regret the mix up; if anything it gave energy to a boring-ass show. Hey, at least everyone will remember it.

What is it with Hollywood that they seem to forgive and celebrate those who commit sexual assault and pedophilia so long as they can make a decent film?

I was just going to say that. Ironically, the people who fly this flag of a failed nation-state claim to be the most patriotic Americans (and Trump supporters, naturally) around.

It all makes sense.

I was in the Army for almost 12 years, spend four years living abroad in Afghanistan and I can firmly say the last thing we need is a larger defense budget. There’s government waste everywhere; in every about start with that?

I think the entire world knows that 1) Meryl is far too good a person to ever demand payment for wearing a dress and 2) that Karl Lagerfeld is a petty, pathetic and ridiculous man. With the myriad of sexist and other offensive comments he’s said over the years, I’m amazed he can still get A-list clients. I mean, no

you’re being ridiculous and assuming that I, as a woman, would somehow call another woman out for saying that...I would feel the same way if anyone said it. Her response was fine, it was just that one part about ‘my record breaking 20th nomination’ thing that I really didn’t care for.

And everyone calm the fuck down. All I said was it kindof rubbed me the wrong way because yes, it does sound a little humblebraggy (as someone else in here said, which is actually a far more descriptive word that I could have thought of in the moment). I’m not saying Meryl doesn’t deserve it or that she’s not awesome


the only thing that rubs me the wrong way is when she says “my record breaking 20th nomination”. That sounds uppity and snobby as hell

hope he had warrants for that shit

Gwen Stefani is gorgeous, but Lord, that girl can NOT sing.

She’s appropriating an entire religion because it makes her look more ‘dark and mysterious’. No bitch, you’re a prep school bitch who’s daddy bought your career. Sit down, you bored basic bitch.

Is anyone surprised? He’s thin skinned and hates the press. I want Samantha Bee to roast him because she reminds me of John Stewart with how biting and truthful she is.

Somewhere between the black shellacked toupe he wears and this one which is giving me powdered wig vibes would be great. I don’t like the color on this one, it’s a tad too faded ya know? He needs a touch of Anderson Cooper (and that’s not a euphemism, although I realize it easily could be).  

Bruce Jenner was a self-serving asshole who only thought about himself, his wayward penis and putting his own needs first. To think that Caitlin Jenner would be different is naive at best.

Fuck, the name Marco Rubio sends me into a frenzy. He is such a fuck weasel. Literally one of the most slimiest pieces of shit in the game.

Please...Britney’s a southern girl. They know how to throw shade.