My power animal is a gummy bear

After reading a lot of these comments, someone referred to Kellyanne Conway as KAC and now I can’t stop and therefore SHALL NOT STOP calling her KAC.

It’s like you can see the totality of what this campaign and now administration is doing to her by the interpretive dance of her false eyelashes.

I live here in NC, and honestly most people don’t give a shit. They just want the jobs back. NC was going gang-busters prior to this hard core Christian bullshit. No one was doing anything in bathrooms other than what you already do in them. It was a false-flag (in my opinion) for the advancement of this nazi-esque

It could be something as simple as bribery or as bad as espionage. Either way, I think whatever it is, the people in positions of power will do anything to save their precious seats in Washington. Heaven forbid they have to work a 40 hour week like the rest of us

I really want Mike Flynn’s correspondence with Russian ambassadors and other personnel chronicled starting from the time he became director of the DIA. I feel like there’s some fascinating documents to uncover. He was basically forced to resign his position during the Obama administration. I would be very interested

Is there a good time?

Good. He was removed from his position during the Obama administration for a reason. He was a loose cannon then and he is now. I would personally like to see this go full-on ‘Benghazi’ and have him punished as far as humanly possible. I don’t think the word ‘treason’ should be thrown off the table.

Watching Ben Affleck have a mid-life crisis is very uncomfortable. I feel like I’m watching someone spiral into depression and it’s really sad.

If you’re a man, I don’t think you get a say in what happens regarding a woman and her pregnancy. Is that fair? Maybe, maybe not, but ya know what? Tough shit. Women have been getting the short end of the stick since the beginning of time.

Okay, I just watched the video.....

I kindof think George Michael would appreciate the authenticity and her desire to get it right. He seemed like such a sweet and troubled man who loved others more than himself.

Pain, be it black women, women, men, or just people in general is universal. Instead of attributing it specifically to a demographic you don’t identify with, try identifying the message of pain as from one perspective and then attempt to empathize with it and relate to it in your own specific way.


There is nothing in this world that delights me as much as an Arrested Development reference.

I think Dr. Oz takes the cake simply because to my knowledge, Dr. Phil has never been involved in some oily Ponzi scheme or shills utter non-sensical ‘medical advice’ in the name of making a profit.

Johnny Depp is rapidly descending into Marlon Brando territory.

What’s more troubling is that it takes a comedian to do what the talking heads on cable news (both the left and right) should be doing. I’m convinced this 24 hour news cycle is the downfall of real journalism.

Both the mother and daughter are excellent examples for why birth control should be mandatory for some people.

That one topless guy with the moobs is CLEARLY whole milk.

Well color me disappointed to find that LAWFARE is nothing at all like a Ren Fair