Couldn’t Katherine Jacksons kids (like any 8 of them or her 29 grandchildren) have stepped in and handled this? Why the fuck did it come to this?
Couldn’t Katherine Jacksons kids (like any 8 of them or her 29 grandchildren) have stepped in and handled this? Why the fuck did it come to this?
Well, she’s not really adopting from ‘other countries’ as much as it is one specific country. She’s sunk a ton of money into Malawi as far as schools, hospital stuff and such and her other adopted kids are from Malawi as well.
Melania seems utterly void of any personality whatsoever. I mean literally...she’s the embodiment of a fembot: beautiful, dutiful, quiet, and probably going to turn on her master and obliterate the human race....
Boy that right eye is really going rogue, isn’t it?
Because that fuck weasel Mitch McConnell is the worst. There really is no other explanation
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s just try to make sure we make it to 2020
It’s a close 5th to Mitch McConnell. He’s got that big turkey wobble that could be used as a speed bag
ugh, I HATE that version! The Kenneth Branaugh version is so much better!
I’m always amazed by these conspiracy theorist people. Everything has to be a lie, lol....nothing is real! It must be frustrating beyond belief to be in a relationship with these whackos
Kellyanne Conway has the third most punchable face in the Trump administration.
if only they could be ‘reading’ from inside a jail cell....smdh
Gee, well I guess I’m not a moderately decent person?
I thought it was awesome, and one that bordered on Shade Court worthiness.
If he doesn’t think Putin is all that bad, it should serve as a start premonition of things to come. I certainly hope journalists are well versed in self-defense tactics and wear bullet-proof vests. Oh, and stay away from point umbrellas.
Everyone has made some very valid points. I guess I’m just a moderately decent person because it seems crazy to me to put any effort into this idiot; I mean, it makes the GOP look stupid by backing an idiot like her. It would be one thing if she had crazy views, but she just doesn’t have *any* views...well, at least…
Ya know, it’s stuff like that that reminds me that whomever created milk was probably into some pretty weird shit.
MRE’s do expire...we found out the hard way. The Tobasco sauce in mine turned green (and it definitely started out as red). Our Drill Sergeants had to get us new ones because the ones they initially gave us had all expired.
oh! So years ago someone in my office brought in coffee in those big cardboard half-gallon things. For some reason, someone put it up on top of the refrigerator where it sat for WEEKS. This Navy Captain (which is the equivelent of a Colonel in other branches of service) reached up and grabbed the coffee and poured…
I gotta shell out $1K of my own money because the health insurance I pay for doesn’t cover BC of any kind whatsoever. It’s such bullshit, but I really want an IUD and in the long run $1K is cheaper than a kid.