This just seems like such an odd thing for them to pursue. Why in the hell are they going to the mat for this imbecile? When it comes to picking your battles, the Trump administration is choosing a blitzkreig
This just seems like such an odd thing for them to pursue. Why in the hell are they going to the mat for this imbecile? When it comes to picking your battles, the Trump administration is choosing a blitzkreig
I think Sean Spicer is funnier because there’s more to play with that is actually funny. Sean is constantly on the very of having a stroke, but Trump just looks confused and crazed. Trump doesn’t want to be in control of his emotions; Spicer looks like he’s on the verge of having a blood vessel burst in his brain.
I can’t think of a single reason someone would want her. She came across as simply not knowing anything; forget having strong opinions that are against my own...the bitch just doesn’t know ANYTHING.
I know if I had a really pretty daughter with legs like a giraffe who was on her way to college, I’d want her to dress as unattractive as humanly possible. So yeah, I’d pack her several mom jeans.
Trump is many, many things, but I don’t think he’s homophobic only because I don’t think he thinks much about anyone else’s private parts except his and that of the woman he plans on grabbing.
Washington state is the only place on the west coast I’d ever consider living. It’s just beautiful. Expensive, but beautiful. :)
How does wearing Hanes sweatpants with heels make you a fashion designer? I don’t understand how he is taken seriously by anyone or allowed to show at Fashion Week. NYFW just loses credibility by letting him in there.
Also....why is Azelia Banks so mean and awful? I’ve literally never heard her music (granted, I don’t like rap, but even I have heard Nicki Minaj) but damn, that woman picks a fight with EVERYONE. Is she bitter her music isn’t played as often or is she just a raging bitch with anger issues?
I wonder what kind of security she had (if any). If I had her money and went out of town, my home would be like Ft. Knox. Not saying hers isn’t but I know I’d have some video camera footage to review and some security guards to fire.
I hate that I like her clothes. That being said, I just can’t bring myself to buy anything with that moniker attached.
I’m already growing tired of the outrage. I mean’s one fucking thing after another with this guy. He can’t go 24 hours without giving us all a goddamn stroke. I don’t even know how to combat this sort of thing mentally. He literally doesn’t give one flying fuck about what people truly think of him, he’s…
Don’t forget that there are some people who simply disagree with the role the federal government should play in politics which makes them sign on as Republicans. There are plenty of Republicans out there who are ‘liberal’ in their personal beliefs but don’t agree with so much government interference / government…
I think if they are going to remain apart permanently, the financial burden for additional security should not be provided by the American people or the Secret Service. They are stretched thin as it is; I don’t think it’s fair she gets to be selfish and simply expect other people to placate to her wishes.
Right? Meanwhile, I’m having to shell out $1K of my own money because my insurance doesn’t cover any form of female birth control and IUD’s don’t hang on trees (sorry for that mental image).
I never thought she actually would. She’d be in a smaller house which would require her to most likely be in closer proximity to her husband.
Bill Nye will never stop being a goddamn ray of sunshine. Look at him, he’s so happy!
That picture is absurd and tacky to the extreme. This looks like something straight out of Awkward Family Photos
:: tips hat and shuffles off stage ::
I really don’t think his actions warrant a ‘child pornography’ label. It does a disservice to those who really are truly objectified in that dirty world. However, I feel like someone needs to draft legislation and charge him with the felony of being an asshole and horrible human.
I came here to comment on the very same thing. That’s the Duggar look of female oppression. It’s so fucking creepy.