My power animal is a gummy bear

I still believe in our country and what it stands for. I just also believe it’s currently been hijacked by a pseudo despot.

Nicole Kidmans dress looks like she killed a gay peacock from The Price is Right

“hastily, with seemingly little forethought” should be translated into Latin and placed above the Oval Office while he’s our President, because that is the true motto now.

Good God, if that is not the look of an evil Palpatine-like pseudo dictator that will later appear in a Ken Burns documentary about the downward spiral of America, I don’t know what is.

This is so sad. This isn’t why I served my country. We are better than this.

That’s why I’ve gone away from the term ‘pro-life’. Everyone is pro-life. I’ve decided to begin calling them ‘anti-choice’ because it’s more accurate in its definition

Is there a carbon monoxide leak in that room? Everyone looks so bored and as if they’re about to pass out.


There’s literally NO reason to hide this from the American public. The information is not classified, nor is it derived from classified means, personnel or capabilities. ‘I don’t want to’ is not a sufficient excuse.

If he’s willing to cover the costs personally, have at it. However, if we the American public have to pay for it, then abso-fucking-lutely not.

“I will send in the feds”

Yeah, we have some fucked up politicians. I can’t even lie about that.

She looks SO MUCH like Rose McGowan. Anyone else pick up on that?

You sure can. I want to channel my inner ‘crazy Costo lady’ and buy in bulk

Mark my words...our First Amendment is going to be under attack the next four years.

This is sort of my argument for eliminating hate crimes all together (hear me out). I don’t care why you killed a black man or a white man; to me, the reason behind it (unless self defense) is not the point. If you kill someone with intent, your ass goes to jail or to death row. I feel like labeling something a hate

My God....I just left the intelligence community for a career in real estate and I only wish I could have been in that room. I am totally convinced there are paid supporters hither and thither at every meeting he has, (unless of course they are in classified briefings). It’s so crazy to believe it, but I swear, I see

Please oh please, put this water through a Britta and secretly have the entire Trump administration drink this swill.

I live in North Carolina (don’t hate, aside from some stupid politics, I am a transplant and love it here) and I’ve been frantically trying to contact my OBGYN’s office to get an IUD emplaced. I know what we are up against and I’m not willing to let either of those men, particularly THAT MIKE PENCE ABOMINATION to

It just seems the height of male ignorance to think that all those women (and men) who marched LITERALLY all over the world would do so because some old white man told them to.