
And what is God spelled backwards?

"I mean, I think that’s how it worked, my knowledge of this stuff is largely based off Jesus Christ Superstar." -Zack Handlen

Kim is going to die of internal injuries on the side of the road. Remember the accident scene in Wild at Heart? Like that.

I thought the episode was bloated. Nacho practicing the pill switch in the cold opening was fine but the actual switch recapitulated the opening without enough difference. Disabling the A/C didn't seemed to add much to the scene but perhaps it will pay off later. The detail of the body on tribal land felt a little

Gloria's boss is Donald Trump: Unhinged, insane and talking gibberish.

Uh, the opalescent dribble hanging from Sy's chin.

The last thing to leave the courtroom before Chuck entered was the big ass wall clock. Not sure what that means but the director made a HUGE deal out of it.

Touche. This show is all about the ambiguity, shades, angles, perspectives. I mean, Gould and Gilligan paint your eyeballs with it in damn near every shot. The show give one just enough ground from which to be gentle disorientated.

Sy is in love with Emmit

For a so visually bold show I find it distracting how dependent it has been on oral exposition to move dramatic arcs. Loudermilk's parasite epiphany is tonight's example. I think this is because the dreamscapes our heroes stagger about in are so incoherent and structureless Legion requires these regular injections of

This show is To Beautiful to Live

It's Dirk Gently but mean

Chip and Dale are both misogynists, granted each in their own way, but what woman with a healthy Ego would want either of them? And that is just one reason why this show is good.

No No No reviewer person. Bart IS the thing. All else is commentary.

The show is all about the control of narrative.

I'm liking this show a lot. The assassin is fascinating. Her shuffling weariness, her muddy accent/speech impairment, her moral universe built on 'Ain't never killed unless they had it commin, and they all had it commin', her casual supernaturalism, and her gallows humor endear her to me. A world weary Angel of Death

I liked it. American Horror Story on molly

I've seen her multiple times on TV, from FOX to C-SPAN. She's good at doing interviews and panel discussions so I was taken aback at how bad her line reading was.

Doris Kerns Goodwin maybe the nation's historian but an actress she ain't.

Worst episode to date. Long gone is the quirkiness that served the 1st season so well, replaced by a zombie flick of the 24 Days Later ilk.