
Planet Sarcasm.

Hah! I can appreciate that.

I don’t know! I think he might be in love with Dani too...and he stood up for Kathryn when Landon became such a mean girl! I recognize that he’s a horrible manchild, and would be exhausting in real life, but I still have a soft spot for him.

Aw! I love Shep! I’m pretty sure he’s secretly in love with Cameran.

As a human being I’m disappointed, as a monster I am happy, since I think her drama is what makes the show interesting.

Wait, really? I didn’t know this was a thing!

It’s going to be OK, I think. People didn’t really seem to care that much about this before, and Trump has dug himself such a deep hole that I don’t think he can climb out.

Completely true. I was just confused to see nieces and nephews being referred to as “distant” relatives. Even if I was estranged from my parents, I wouldn’t call them distant relatives, you know?

I think you’re confused about what nieces and nephews are? They aren’t distant relatives, they’re your sibling’s children.

They’re never (thankfully) going to have the tragedy that the Kennedy’s had, I think her beauty and class while mourning is part of what made Jackie so iconic. It’ll be interesting to look back in 30-40 years and see if Michelle is considered a style icon as well.

Curious, would you feel differently if he was saying that aliens told him to do it? Santa Claus? Religious hallucinations are an extremely common symptom in psychiatric disease.

Oh dude, you are so wrong. Popeyes is GREAT chicken.

If you teach your son to respect women, to not have sex with drunk women, to not have sex without clear consent, he will be fine. Most of the men I know have not ever even put themselves in a position where a rape accusation would make any sense. If after that you insist on being scared of some sort of boogeyman rape

As long as you don’t care about getting vulnerable people sick, I guess.

I am literally laughing out loud right now. The way you related this story is perfection. Thank you.

See, I give people MAJOR side eye for bringing McDonald’s on the plane. Or Chinese food, or BBQ. Basically anything except straight up odorless food, like candy or some sort of carbohydrate (donut, chips, etc.) Hot food has odors, odors in an enclosed space where people are trapped are gross. Nothing cultural about

Unfortunately I think you probably smell bad.

Thanks for this lovely piece. As a frumpy, intelligent woman with an out-of-this-world beautiful, equally intelligent but irresponsible little sister, this movie has always meant a lot to me. It’s nice to see it memorialized like this.

I was just thinking about the Housewives shows! You always see them ordering like steamed fish and a side salad with no dressing. It’s clear that they barely eat to look the way they do. Probably the only realistic thing about those shows, but I appreciate it!

It was a bystander who took the photograph, I read when this was originally reported.