
I don't see the two jokes as comparable, since in one situation a 9 year old actually got called a cunt, and in this situation the author is joking about something she clearly did not actually do. But I understand what you're saying.

Agree to disagree, I guess. I see what you're saying, but to me, calling someone a c*nt is different than joking about heckling someone (and then not actually doing it.) In one situation, a 9-year-old actually gets called something horrible. In the other situation, an internet writer says she wanted to do something

Yes, it would still be funny, because the joke is that no person would actually EVER heckle them. It's meant to be a totally absurd statement. It's a joke about how amazing they are.

Um, that comment was pretty clearly a joke?

Spike and Xander 4ever.

People on here act like it's the devil, but if you start Atkins today you will be fitting in your clothes by the time you start your new job. And then if you're hating it you can ease off it and go back to calorie counting. This is what I did last year - did Atkins to jump start my weight loss and lose the first 10

I dunno, I do think there is discussion to be had about how this trend of sharing our most private moments has become so pervasive, beyond "If you don't like it don't click" which I think ignores the problem. Yes, people should be allowed to do whatever they want, but the constant erosion of boundaries is pretty

I know this is not the point but has Farrah messed around with her face a bunch? She looks completely different.

Yeah, I did not even reply to that. "I'm going to assume you and all your friends and all the women interviewed for the survey are an anomaly, because what you have to say doesn't fit with my world view!"

What, exactly, is an "average" girl? There's no such thing. And there are women who are hardcore gamers or game groupies. It's obnoxious to imply that it's only a guy thing - otherwise the quote would be "That's something the average person would like to go to, right?"

Um, can I have a link to that book? My boyfriend would love that.

No woman I know does not get her boyfriend / husband a present. Other than my birthday, there is no occasion I celebrate where someone gives me a present and I do not reciprocate. And I just saw an article today that said women, on average, spend $96 on their significant other for Valentine's Day.

A Video Game Tournament: "That's something a girl would like to go to, right?"

Well then you date shitty people!

I have been so sad ever since Frozen came out. I love everything Disney, and Frozen looked like it was going to be right up my alley. And then I went and saw it opening weekend and...nothing. I just didn't like it that much, none of the songs hit my sweet spot. I thought Tangled was a much better movie. And now I feel

Hah! Since I basically conduct entire friendships over Gchat, that would mean I never got to bitch. Don't think I can live that way!

Yeah, once you do it you've done the ultimate "Bad Thing" and they have a relationship trump card. In my case, he was able to use the fact that I went in his email to deflect the fact that he was cheating - the argument turned into me being nosy and violating his privacy (which was true) rather than the fact that he

Yup, exactly. No one is nice about you 100% of the time.

I did find out some good gossip that I desperately wanted to talk to him about but couldn't let on that I knew! That sucked.