
I have, with my boyfriend, and as he is an overweight broad shouldered man I get what you're saying. But I still don't think it's anywhere near on the same level as what women face.

I just posted a comment about this, but for me it's really because I love fashion but fashion doesn't love me. The vast majority of clothes I see in magazines are clothes that I'm not going to be able to wear, because I don't have the body type of a model. But shoes are an exception to that. I can (in a world where

What was the answer to the shoes question that Redbook gave? Because I can answer that really, really easily - in a world where so many clothes are made for a body type that the vast majority of women do not have, shopping for clothes is a misery. The things I want to wear never look good / fit me. In general, if I

To me this seems very similar to the difference in pay between women's sports and men's sports. Men's sports draw way more attention in general, but men also tend to make more money on things like endorsement deals, etc. I doubt all of Gisele's pay is from shoots and runway shows alone, the way that most male model's

Obviously it is not anywhere near the level of cable shows, but I find Scandal to be pretty explicit for a major network show, in a way that grosses me out rather than turns me on. Especially scenes with Huck - he is always licking people's stomachs. Barf.

I'd agree with this except - in certain industries, with certain people, having a "name brand" degree will open a lot of doors for you. I got a lot of interviews right out of college based largely on where I had gone to school.

I used to love it - and then I watched it recently, now that I'm approaching 30, and I just felt SO BAD for the parents that it broke my heart. I feel the same way about My So Called Life.

Thanks! And I'm sorry it's annoying! :-/

Hah! Somehow I don't think that would go over well with certain officials. Otherwise it would be the obvious choice.

I call the man I'm with my partner. We're older, have been together six years, and have no intention of ever getting married to each other, but in official situations where we need our relationship to be seen as serious, using the term boyfriend/girlfriend makes it seem like less than it is. Calling him my fiance or

I used to feel this way until I realized that I was being super ridiculous - there's no way to know an individual couple's situation. I would definitely not be happy being proposed to at a baseball game. But when you see it happen to someone random, there's certainly a good chance that they love baseball, have always

What??? I just saw them at my Starbucks this morning!

I love traditions like that! You are an awesome mom / dad.

What's really strange (to me at least) is that if you watch the show you see it's a really unhealthy relationship for him as well. She basically completely manipulates him and uses sex as a weapon as a way of isolating him from his family and getting her way. Any time it seems like he might reconcile with his sister,

Yup. There have been weeks when I am really worn out and just do not want to have sex at all, but I do anyway, because I know it is important for our relationship and keeping us close.

Yeah, tooth brushing isn't as agressive as getting an actual cleaning, so it's OK. I have a heart murmur and so I actually have to take antibiotics every time I have my teeth cleaned because of the chance of the infection spreading to my heart. So there actually is real logic behind wanting pregnant women to be

I wish we would stop quoting high calorie counts in things as if they are the WORST thing in the world. If that pizza is indeed 3000 calories, and if each little cheeseburger thing represents a slice, that's 300 calories a slice. I'm guessing 2 slices of it is more than enough, so you've just eaten a 600 calorie meal.

I don't think this is funny and I hate the Family Guy style of "Everyone is thinking it, but we're the ones who aren't afraid to say it!" style of comedy. (FYI, everyone's not thinking it: racist people are thinking it.)

That quote is what killed any pity I had for the people of Stuebenville. It's not like she was a stranger to him, either - this was a girl that he knew, and supposedly cared enough about to date. And when he saw her in a severely incapacitated state, he not only did not step in to help her, he took pictures of her and

I know this isn't the point he was trying to make, but I think he made it nonetheless - WHY does he look goofy? It's because we don't expect men to expose their legs because we don't sexualize men in the way that we sexualize women. It does make the point that shorts are not made that short for comfort or keeping cool