
Thank you for an awesome response! It's particularly awesome to hear from a straight guy when a bunch of them seem to have come on here to pull the "you're being too sensitive" and "but men are the ones who WATCH football, obviously we should cater to them!" cards.

!!! I used to do this too, and it sucks. I would do really crazy stuff like order a pizza and when I opened the door to the delivery guy, pretend I was talking to someone else in the apartment so he wouldn't think I was going to eat it all by myself.

I think you're maybe taking the white person thing a little too literally. I am a completely flat-chested woman, so I understand how it sucks for us in society. Obviously it would be great if we did not judge women's bodies AT ALL. But being flat-chested does not affect your life in the same serious ways that being

Here are some other things a thin woman is not allowed to say: “It takes willpower to stay slim”; “Of course it would be easier just to eat anything I wanted but I don’t” ; “Yes, I'm often hungry midmorning but I wait until lunch-time.” And here, above all, is what we must never say: “I prefer being slim.”

Yup, I was coming here to make exactly this point. Sure, I'll buy that as a white person it sucks to be called cracker, or have people assume that you're preppy, or whatever else people like to talk about when they talk about reverse racism. It's not right for people to do that and they should stop. But it's sort of

Yeah the purse restriction is crazy and ridiculous. And in my opinion, a fairly obvious attempt by the stadiums to force people to spend more money inside on random stuff that they would otherwise have in their purse.

Yeah, I think 2010 was the really bad year. They still air that one from Walmart (I think) that shows women "gearing up for the big game" - and then it turns out that they are "gearing up" to serve food to their husbands and friends. Hilarious, right! Isn't it cute, how women want to participate too!

Read down the thread. It's 44%. Yeah, not half, but I corrected myself. There is no way 44% can be considered a "sliver of a minority."

Well the NFL itself says 44% - I looked up that statistic before reporting it to you, I didn't just make it up. The point stands, though, that even if your majority audience is men, you still don't have to have commercials that actively insult a big chunk of your audience. Even if it's only 1/3, that's still several

I remembered it being reported on Jezebel that the Super Bowl audience was actually majority women, though it was a slight majority. And while I can understand not wanting your beer to be perceived as a "chick beer" (though ugh, that is gross and says a lot about men), there is a way to make your beer manly without

I'm guessing that 44% of Project Runway's audience is not straight men. I understand that advertisers want to target certain demographics, but when you're pretty much insulting 44% of your audience every weekend there's something wrong. You may not particularly "enjoy" watching ads for that bra show, but you don't

Women make up 44% of the NFL audience, and during the Super Bowl over half the audience is women. So you're right, the majority are not women but a huge chunk of the viewership is. So you'd think that maybe 44% of the ads could be aimed at women - or at the very least, maybe not outright insult them.

I'm a medical student too! Definitely glad they got rid of that part of the MCAT. I'm actually sad about the verbal section, though. I was an English major before I decided to go to medical school, so I believe in the value of being able to read and interpret passages. And I've actually been told several times that

A great way to make it more welcoming to women would be to ask all the beer companies to stop it with the gross ads. I'm a huge football fan and the commercials I have to suffer through on Sunday afternoons really suck. It always gets talked about in the context of the Superbowl, but it applies to regular football

Believe it or not, things are better than they used to be. My father told me that when he took the MCAT back in the 70s, there was a "general information" section of the test basically used to weed out "the wrong kind of people." There would be questions about things like the type of knot you would use on a sailboat,

I can't tell if you're serious or not, but statistically disenfranchised minorities do worse on standardized tests. It's not racist to talk about because it has nothing to do with their inherent intelligence and everything to do with the fact that they tend to be from poorer families, and thus go to schools that don't

Should I watch Sons of Anarchy? My boyfriend tells me there's too much rape and violence against women for me to enjoy it. But it's not like I can't acknowledge that those things exist and see portrayals of them on TV - I just don't like it when I feel like it's gratuitous and for titillation purposes only. Can any

That may be true (though I think it's likely that racism played a much larger part in that botched investigation.) But I get frustrated when people talk about this case in the context of Florida's shitty "Stand Your Ground" law, because it makes it seem like in another state he wouldn't have been acquitted. When in

Interesting - I assume that's from that juror who was going to write the book? Just more proof, in my opinion, that she wasn't paying attention to the case that was actually presented at all. It really seems like she went in there with her mind made up.

George Zimmerman did not even use the Stand Your Ground law as part of his defense. Agree that it's a shitty law, but at this point it doesn't actually have anything to do with Zimmerman. He got off with plain old run of the mill self defense.