
I'm so frightened and confused...when did the comments change again? What's happening?

I always like to show this picture when people talk about equality. Ignore the "to a conservative / to a liberal" part, I can't find the picture without it. But basically, giving historically oppressed groups special privileges isn't picking and choosing when it comes to equality. The oppressed groups are the shorter

Yes, thank you. I was coming here to say almost exactly this. When Lindy Previously wrote about Temptation, many black commenters voiced the opinion that Temptation had a lot of its idealogy rooted in black Christian culture, and thus could be more intelligently discussed by someone who was a member of the black

For some reason I remembered Regina as being on a low-carb diet, not an all-carb diet - I guess because the idea of an all-carb diet is so absurd.

Regina's on an all carb diet? Not a low carb diet? It's been way too long since I saw this movie I guess, I didn't realize that!

This quote always makes me angry because Lindsay Lohan acts like she's an idiot - but butter is not a carb! That movie spreads misinformation!

Weird, it's actually the opposite - champagne and dry white wine is OK on low carb, red wine is not.

Not cool, dude...women with small breasts = wearing training bras and somehow being perceived as pre-pubescent by you? I think we can all agree that those bralettes are ugly and stupid without dissing those of us with small chests.

How did you put them on? When I try to do it, since I have no nail to fold them over on they end up being a ridiculous mess.

I'm desperate to get these to work for me because I love Holiday themed nails, but I like to keep my nails short (ie so that they don't extend out over my finger) and that makes them impossible to use, since I can't fold them under. Has anyone with short nails managed to make them work? If I could figure them out they

Thanks - you've convinced me to give Skyrim a try! I actually like WATCHING my boyfriend play Borderlands but when I tried to play it I couldn't get the hang of the controls and felt like a really shameful cliche. It sounds like Skyrim is maybe exactly what I'm looking for!

There's a new one coming out sometime in 2013 and I'm SO excited. It's the best!

This is slightly off-topic, but I'm looking to get into a really immersive, goal-oriented game, and I was wondering if you gamer Jezzies had any good suggestions? I love things like Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon, and am addicted to stupid Facebook task-oriented games like Farmville, and wanted to find something a

I'm learning something new about my friends today, and that's that they apparently never smoke in moderation. They become totally different people who can barely hold a conversation with me, and I never realized that apparently they were smoking a lot of pot to get to that state.

Sadly I didn't even know that! The people in my life always get so fucked up when they smoke that I dread being around them, and I always thought that the way they smoked was the same as everyone smoked!

Ah I didn't know that! Sadly I guess the people in my life are incapable of moderation, so I have a warped view when it comes to weed smoking.

The difference is that you can have a glass of wine or a cocktail without becoming drunk. In other-words, having a nice glass of wine with your mom will not end with your mom's behavior being significantly altered. Snoop is getting high with his kid. There's not really a way to "just have one glass" of pot.

Yes. Meanwhile people continue to fawn over Michael Fassbender, who apparently has a much longer and more disturbing history of abuse. Race is definitely an issue here. I don't like Chris Brown and I don't think you get a "pass" on beating a woman up just because it happened four years ago, but I do think the focus on

Isn't that a prescription drug, though? I think she meant stuff you can just walk into the store and buy.

Sorry but I DO love candy corn, and I also love Oreos, so I will be putting as many of these in my mouth as I can as soon as I find them.